First Gig

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"Okay, before I tell you, mom, you have to promise not to get mad." Maya spoke through the phone.

"Oh for crying out loud, tell me where you are Maya!" My cousin turned to me removing the phone from her ear, she whispered to me, "she's going to kill me." I laughed, knowing that I would somehow get blamed for this whole situation. My aunt was not one to mess with.

"Mom... We're in Chicago.. at a concert," my cousin spoke cautiously. Her mom sounded outrageously mad. Maya gave me a frightened look as her mother's protests shouted over the phone. Maya mouthed the words, "I'll be outside," to me before opening the venue's doors. The daylight was blinding as I hadn't realized how dark it was in here. My eyes had adjusted to the low lighting of the room. Compared to when we first arrived there was now quite a few people gathered around. Those who weren't surrounding the merch stand were playing pool and others sat drinking at the bar. My eyes wandered over the prints of the t-shirts. I read the name on the shirt, "The White Eskimos." I had never heard of them but I would never pass down an invite to a concert. Meanwhile my cousin was head over heels about their band. She especially loved the lead singer, whom she would not shut up about.

"Excuse me, are these seats open for grabs?" a group of three asked me. They motioned towards the two empty seats across from me. One which Maya had once sat in.

"Uh yeah sure." The two of the three sat down and the third remained standing. There was an uneven number of seats.

"Oh sorry, here you can have my seat."

"Are you sure- "

"Yeah, it's alright. I'm going to find the bathrooms." I stood up knowing that Maya wouldn't be back for awhile. Her arguments with her mom usually lasted for quite a bit. I scanned the room spotting the lit up restroom sign by the stairs. I made my way over pushing through the crowd. I climbed up the stairs to the second floor. Unknowingly walking right past the bathrooms, I was going the opposite way the sign was pointing. I stepped onto the second floor surveying the scene. This was the restaurant part of the building. Tables were scattered around and I could see a railing at the end of the balcony. I walked towards the railing grasping in awe. From the balcony, the whole stage was visible. I stood there taking it all in. It was starting to hit me, that rush of adrenaline you get when going to concerts. I hadn't felt like this is months.

No matter where am I in life, I find myself running back to this feeling. The feeling I can only find here in this place. Concerts are my drug. The moment it ends the desire grows stronger. I crave for them again and again. They give me a serotonin boost that I can't find anywhere else.

Soon this venue will be packed full of people. People who have a love for an artist, a love for music, they will find a sense of belonging within the crowd. Concerts have created family not bond by blood.

Someone coughed beside me. I hadn't heard anybody enter the room. I gathered my thoughts averting my gaze to his hands. My eyes focused first on his chip painted black fingernails tightly wrapped around a beer bottle. They began to slowly trail up his veiny forearms, to his tattooed cover, muscular, biceps and up his neck. His dark brown curls napped at his neck. My mouth opened slightly gapping at him. Where did he come from? He met my gaze. We stare into each others eyes not a single other soul in the room expect me and him.

He broke the silence, "Enjoying the view darling?"

"I.. sure-" My cheeks flushed. Was he flirting with me?

"Heh, I meant the stage." he chuckled. How could I be so naive. Why would I ever be ignorant enough to think this random guy was attracted to me. I'm probably way below his standards levels. He was just another one of those unattainable looking guys for me. He nudged the bottle to my hands.

"Here take a sip," I looked at him astonished, "Come on loosen up!" I took the bottle from him making a swish drinking motion. The liquid hit my teeth blocked from entering my mouth. My phone buzzed in my back pocket. Hopefully that looked believable enough. He looked satisfied. I took my phone out to see a text from Maya. Where are you? The doors are opening soon!!

"First timer eh?" he asked.

"Uh what? Oh yeah I was invited here. I don't know their music very well. Do you?" I responded. Another buzz from my phone. Hello?!

"Me? Oh yeah I know them. Quite well actually-" I interrupted him.

"I have to get going." I said holding up my hands in defense. I turned swiftly walking to the stairs. He called after me, "Enjoy the show!"


"There you are!! I have been looking for you everywhere! Where have you been?"

"Uh I- I was in the bathroom." I stammered. I don't know why I lied to her. Would she even believe me?

"Come on we have to get to the front!" Maya took ahold on my arm guiding me through the crowd. I muttered "sorry's" and "excuse us" as we stepped over multiple people's feet to get farther ahead in line. None of that seemed to help the pissed off looks on people's faces. The doors open exactly at 7 'o clock. Everyone flowed into the pit rushing to the barricade. Maya screamed with excitement.

"YES! CENTER BARRICADE RIGHT IN FRONT OF HARRY!" she jumped up and down holding onto the barricade. The actual show didn't start until 9'o clock. The opener would come on stage first and then there would be a break before the main act would perform. I sighed, my enthusiasm wasn't as high for a band I didn't even know. My eyes wandered to the balcony. He wasn't there anymore. I found myself looking back searching for him in the crowd. Nothing.

The music came to a stop and the lights dimmed. The crowd went wild, chanting the bands name. The curtains went up and the band took the stage. And there he was right in front of me.

"HARRY!" the crowd screamed.

I Found you.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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