What happened....

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I start to wake up everything hurts especially my head. I open my eyes I'm laying on a wooden floor. I felt something touching my leg so I sit up slowly and I see a small fry sleeping on my ankle

I scoot away horrified then something taps my head "oh so your awake" I look over my shoulder and then up to see an inkling with short dark blue hair and a scar on the left side of their forehead

Who are you and and where am I? I asked in pure horror still trying to get away from the small fry "I'm trout and your at my house and that's little buddy right there who are you" they crouched down to me

"Uh I'm Oscar" I scoot away still trying to get away from the small fry. Trout got up and picked up the small fry and then put him in another room and came back to me "sorry about that I'm watching him for a friend of mine" they'd smile awkwardly and started poking me "how in the great zap fish are you not dead" I slapped there hand away and layer back down "I have no clue everything hurts mostly my head" trout grabbed a towel from a laundry basket and crouched back down to me

"Stay still l have to get this ink off ya" they'd started wiping my face with the towel "what happened by the way" I asked closing my eyes so trout can get the ink off "we were in the middle of a turf war then something attacked us I don't know what but it seems you got knocked out and so I grabbed ya"

I re open my eyes in shock "how long was I out for" I said more horrified. Trout scratched the back of there head "two....three.....four days" trout then turned to a calendar "a week" I grabbed trouts shoulders and started shaking them "A WEEK WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME SOONER" Trout slapped my arm and then I winced in pain

"I tried you wouldn't wake up you were stone cold asleep" then there was a knock at the door and trout sighed in annoyance "hold on I'll be back"

A fishy friendWhere stories live. Discover now