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My head felt heavy, The world was spinning. I was sat up against a tree.. I think.. And sitting on spiky grass. I could feel something drpping down my neck. I felt my phone vibrate, So I decided to try calling Naomi. 

"Kokichi! Where are you!? You were supposed to be here twenty minutes ago! Kokichi?? Answer me!" Naomi scolded me.. Wait, what was I doing? Oh right.. 

"Omi.. It.. Hurt..S.." I barely managed. I breathed heavily, Everything started going dark. I felt super tired. A nap sounds great right now.. It probably wouldn't hurt.. Yeah.. Just a little shut eye for a few minutes.. i shut my eyes and instantly fell asleep. I could just barely hear Naomi and the other DICE members screaming my name. The phone fell out of my hand.

(Naomi's POV)

"Kokichi!? Kokichi where are you!? What happened!?" Kenji asked, Panicked. "Kokichi!! Answer us!!" Haruto shouted. 

No response.

"Riku!! Kaiv! Track his location! We need to find him fast!" I shouted. The two boys nodded and got to work on their computers.

After a few minutes, They stopped and gave me an address. 

I ran as fast as I could as I called Kokichi's best friend, Miu Iruma. I found him laying against a tree, unconscious with his phone on the grass.

I shook him to try and wake him up, But to no avail. 

"Ay! The hell's happenin!? Who did this to him!?" I sighed in relief when Miu Iruma came running in our direction.

"I'm not sure.. He just called me and said that 'It hurts'." I replied. "I'll carry the little brat back to your base.. Follow me if you want." Miu said. God, I hated her..

Miu got him patched up the best she could with little to no medical experience. Everyone else just watched, Anxiously waiting for him to wake up. A few painful hours later, He did just that, Awakening with a gasp and hyperventilating while groaning at the gash at the back of his head.

"Kokichi..?" Kaiv asked. "Ugh.. What happened..? Why does my neck hurt..?" Kokichi asked, Slightly slurring his words.

"You were attacked!" Minori shouted, To which he winced. "By who..?" He asked. "Maki. That's our best guess.

Aaaaand i don't have enough motivation to finish this so uhhh yeah.

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