Devilman Crybaby

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   Devilman Crybaby is a very good show to watch alongside Evangelion. It's a gritty, gorey, aggressive show with lots of blood, sex and violence all wrapped up in some Christian folklore.

   If you like a show that doesn't hold back on the guts and boobs, this is a good watch for you. It follows two young men named Akira and Ryo, who are childhood friends. But after a demon attack at a nightclub, Akira is transformed into a powerful demon.

   The writing is good, and the character design is competently done, especially with the two leads. The world building is engaging and easy to understand and the pacing is relatively fast. If you have a short attention span, then this show should be good for you.

   It's deeper themes about love, empathy and peace are all extremely well executed and make for a good amount of heartfelt scenes.

   Akira and Ryo as protagonist and antagonist are very compelling, representing two sides of a coin. Akira is a demon, but his kind heart allows him to remain human in spirit, while Ryo (spoilers) is an angel, but lacks empathy for others, leading him to become Akira's nemesis. There designs mirror this perfectly and the other characters, like Miku and Miko, are also interesting to follow.

   As for the ending, well, shit, I cried real hard and I was not expecting it, would recommend.

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