Chapter One

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Gothalia Ignatius-Valdis was cursed with the ability to instil fear in any gathering, much to her dismay.

Unfortunately, she was often seen as a threat by many, including the Peacekeepers, Guardians, and those of the Veiled who watched her with an expected cautiousness and ambiguity in their calculating gaze.

Their covert perception hovered in the distance, casting malignant shadows of contempt and maliciousness towards her with every breath she took.

Unflinchingly, Gothalia turned her eyes away from the piercing gazes of the scrutinizing Peacekeepers, masking her true feelings behind a veil of indifference. Though fear and anger surged within her, she steadfastly refused to let them surface.

She was all too familiar with what would happen next. It had become routine.

As the Peacekeepers steadily closed in on her, the distance between them shrinking, a sense of urgency began to rise within her.

Gothalia hastened her steps, deftly navigating the crowded market. She understood the importance of finding a secure hiding place until Anton and Maximus could reach her. At last, she identified a well-known stall and discreetly stashed her bag behind it, praying it wouldn't attract attention. Unfortunately, it did.

The merchant scrutinized Gothalia, his eyes scanning for any hint of malice. Her focus shifted to her bag, abandoned at his feet, and then to the Peacekeepers and their cohorts trailing her discreetly. Their eyes locked, a silent understanding passing between them before he nodded and retrieved her bag. With a grateful nod, she reclaimed it and departed.

In her stride, Gothalia nearly collided with a Peacekeeper she hadn't noticed. Coming to a halt, she felt his watchful gaze upon her before he finally stepped aside. A sudden wave of fear crept over her skin as she continued on her way, her features etched with confusion as she blended into the bustling crowd. The Peacekeeper glanced at his comrades, then at the stall owner, before disappearing into the sea of people.

She understood why he had been hesitant and cautious. It wasn't her, he feared, but rather the Peacekeepers and the Veiled.

The Peacekeepers observed her cautiously from afar, their eyes filled with doubt. Whispers and conjectures had spread like wildfire in the past, fueled by the presence of both the Peacekeepers, Guardians and the Veiled and their companions from the esteemed Barak clan, as they navigated their way through the bustling crowd beneath the evening sun.

In the past, she'd seen their eyes lingering on the biassed words written in the official reports, which often portrayed her and her family in a negative light. These reports, carefully guarded by the Grand Elders, contained a condensed yet detailed account of her family's history that would surely lead to her social exile and further isolate what remained of her small family.

With a vigilant gaze, Gothalia discreetly advanced through the maze of market stalls. A kind-hearted woman extended an apple towards her, and she gratefully accepted, but not without a swift gesture towards the approaching Peacekeepers, silently cautioning the woman. The woman turned her heel and fled.

Gothalia's eyes darted anxiously across the bustling crowd, desperately scanning for any sign of Anton and Maximus. Determined and undeterred, she forged ahead through the market, striding with a swifter pace.

She dwelt by an old statue and paused. Casually, her gaze drifted over the crowd and the Peacekeepers behind her. Again, she was unable to find Anton and Maximus. Fear and worry climbed within her. Gothalia hastened her pace, as covertly as possible, even if she knew they spotted her.

Frantically, Gothalia assessed her surroundings. Her mind raced with the need to find a way to elude her pursuers. With agility and determination, she skillfully manoeuvred through the throngs of people, evading them as best she could. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw that they were still hot on her trail, their presence a constant reminder of the danger she was in.

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