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not a fun fact but a legendary roleplay I did in my GC

m= me
f= friend
s= someone else
b= bot

s: @clyde (discord bot) help my brother is having friends over

b: annoying friends can be a pain, hang in there!

s: I can't they broke my pet gorilla

b: oh no! that's terrible how did they break your pet gorilla?

s: slammed em against the ground

b: woah! that sounds intense, is everyone ok?

s: not my gorilla

b: aww that's sad. I'm sorry to hear about your gorilla. is there anything I can do to help?

s: kill my brothers friends with me

b: sorry, but i can't assist with that request.

m: can I help

s: YAY

m: what's the address

s: (address)

m: let me ask my pet monkey to drive me I accidentally flushed my drivers license down the toilet and I don't want the police knowing I was the mexican who escaped prison 50 year's ago

f: Omg same

m: Omg.. Alejandro..Is that you?
I thought we would meet again..

f: it's Jose

m: Jose their both mexican so it's whatever
how's the kid Jose?

f: Dead

m: Better then ever
Did you kill it

f: Yep
How's the wife

m: she cheated on me but i haven't told her i know bc she got that cash

f: damn puta

m: what does puta mean I haven't been studying my Spanish since I hopped the border

They should have built it higher

m: Are you against your own kind Jose

f: No

M: good

F: so how'd you escaped prison

M: Well after they moved my cell since i kept sending patricia the trans teenager death threats because she told the soldier i was planning to flush myself down the toilet I got a cell next to elon musk and killed himself so I can have his braincells and then i got the smartness and figure out I could run into the wall and if my head was as fat as my mom told me it was it would break the wall

f: wow it took me long to get out because Maria didnt bail me out so I killed her

m: I've been working up the courage and year's to tell you this Jose but.. I got eloped with maria
fuck her tho she smells like rotten enchiladas

f: ikr
I half to tell you something

m: Jose..

F: the man gabriella is cheating on you with is.. me

M: WHAT..?

F: we have a child

S: (instagram reel)


F: I'm sorry Alejandro

M: I thought our friendship would last

F: it still could
Alejandro please..

M: so this is why her underwear smelt like empenadas..
I don't think i could ever forgive you

F: Alejandro please I'm sorry

M: oh well I can hire a prostitute
just make sure you don't give her your chlamydia

F: No promises

M: use protection

F: you know I never listen
that's how I got gabriella pregnant

M: yea like that one time I told you not to drop the soap

F: my ass still hurts from that

M: wish I could've helped Jose

F: why didn't you help
my ass is destroyed

M: I was scared bc I only like women..

F: Fuck you Alejandro

M: only if you were trans

F: Alejandro are you saying what I think your saying

M: what do you think I'm saying Jose
spin on a beyblade traitor

S: (Instagram reel)

F: I thought you wanted to fuck me

M: back over the border I go

F: let me join you I didn't hop the border for this
we have great improve skills

M: I miss the smell of Mexican food and homeless children

F: I miss running from border patrol

M: good ol days

F: Remember those days Alejandro

M: I do Jose

F: Just me and you

M: back when we both slept with catrina because she was big booth latina

S: (instagram reel)

F: those were the good days
But now she's a gold digging hot cheeto whore

M: she got sunburnt bc she moved to Africa
She black now
I saw her on ebony porn the other day

F: Oh I saw her on feetfinder

M: Amigo, why are you on feetfinder

F: why are you on ebony porn

M: I'm looking for a prostitute

F: I'm looking for a latina baddie

M: I saw one on pornhub her name is Samantha

F: She has a dick

M: Even better

F: I slept with her once

M: I thought you likes women Jose
you gei?
I support amigo

F: I go both ways

M: same thing

F: Alejandro

M: yes amigo?

F: We should run off together

M: I agree

F: Forget the whores

M: remember the children we kidnapped together back in the 50s

F: oh yes

M: let us run off together best friend

F: back to Mexico

M: sounds like paradise..

~the end~

they got married btw

they got married btw

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