Portal & Eire's bonding moment

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Portal handed the coffee to Eire, not pretty good since he was sleep deprived.

"You still have me... 1 is better than none... hah, hah..." Portal said with a smile, suddenly fading into a frown

"Its not our fault... its not anyones... but whoever is responsible for their disappearance... I will find them... soon..."

"Eire, we dont know if they just took a break... maybe they're on a vacation...?" Portal tried to cover it up... but... he really couldn't...

"How the fuck are they in vacation, I saw it on the new... with my own eye!" Eire snapped at Portal

"... we're not getting them back... arent we..." Portal said, now fully sad.


Chris woke up, he was on a spotlight, there was nothing, as far as he could see... it was just pitch black... he slowly got up, walking around, the spotlight went around him, it was almost as if he wasn't moving at all...

"Hello...? is anyone there...? Grogan...?" Chris asked, trying to see from far away.


"w-who are you..?" Chris asked, looking around from where the voice was coming from.

"thats none of your business... I just need you for something..." The voice responded

"...were you..." Chris realized

"I need you to kill your friends." The voice said.


"you heard me, thats what your for."

"N-No, im not killing anybody!"

"well... thats a shame...because your little green friend here... and his family are about to die."

"w-what...? B-but grogan... he's dead..."

"Well... thats too bad... either you kill whoever I want... or I do it myself."

"... no... do it yourself." Chris responded

Suddenly... chris felt something tight along his hand... too tight... tighter... he suddenly realized the pain.

"W-what...? No! Stop that!" Chris responded, holding onto his arm.

His arm started to bleed, becoming redder and redder... until...

Chris's arm bursted into a puddle of blood, he fell back, tears running down his cheeks.

"Will you obey me now...?" The voice said

"Y-yes! P-Please... no more..." Chris said, kneeling down.

In a blink his arm was back.

"good... good... now..."

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