Instructions and Author's Note

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Instruction: Choose your own adventure-style books are not meant to be read linearly by chapters. You are expected to switch chapters manually based on what action you want to take.

For example, you come to the end of the path which branches into two separate directions. One winds through the forest while the other goes into a cave. Which path do you want to take?

—If you decide to take the forest path, turn to Chapter 2.

—If you decide to take the cave path, turn to Chapter 3.

Let's say you're interested in the cave path, you will skip Chapter 2, go to Chapter 3, continue from there. Hopefully, this sounds pretty straightforward.


Other things worth mentioning (You could skip if you'd like. It's just me rambling about how I am a writing noob and stuff that could possibly differ from the reader's expectations or FYI but I appreciate anyone reading through this):

* The book began in the 3.3 updates where Wanderer's Banner was first released so may not be fully canon there was no way for me to know he liked bitter tea (revealed later) unless I guessed correctly.

* Pointing out again that this is platonic and fluff. There'll be sweet moments but nothing sexual. There are thousands of smuts, this work isn't one of them.

* I go back to edit because I'm constantly unhappy with my work. Events, descriptions, dialogue, and actions may vary from what you remembered as I edited along. Ones that are fully proofread are probably gonna be re-edited again and again. Chapters that are edited enough for me to be somewhat satisfied be moved here from AO3.

* Speaking of editing, I'm currently going back to reread and rewrite all of the stories since I'm trying to adopt good, new writing techniques and just write more engaging material overall. Some section feels rough, and sudden, doesn't sound or flow nicely, are out of character, or doesn't give the vibe of what I had in mind. Newer chapters, as a result, will come out slower as I make time for editing but I won't stop writing them completely so there's still something for people to read.

* Newer chapters could feel less polished until I have the time and motivation to edit and properly proofread them. Besides motivation, this releases content sooner for others and I need a break before rereading it again to effectively catch errors. What sounds bad sounds okay because I have been writing for so long. (Mainly on AO3 since I publish ahead there with unedited chapters. Only edited chapters are published on Wattpad)

* Wanderer will be written as a character with a mix of tsundere, mischievous, dodgy, a little arrogant, and bitter. That friend who is brutally honest and shows affection through action versus words. If you for whatever reason dislike that representation of him, then please leave instead of leaving mean negative comments.

* I imagine Sumeru's cities and towns to be bigger than it actually is in-game. It doesn't make sense for it to be so small and even Genshin, as big as it may be, has a limit to how many houses they can render.

* This is my first time trying a choose-your-adventure format and I also a new writer(I love to make things difficult for myself) so you're reading an amateur's work

* Chapter length will, unfortunately, vary because I can only end when the reader needs to make a choice or an ending is reached. I prefer not tormenting the reader to mess with the chapter index too often

* There are not as many choices from traditional Choose Your Adventures because I want all choices present to make major changes to the story. Again, I don't want to annoy readers by having them constantly mess with the chapter index and it'll be easier for me to maintain. Writing possibilities and choices requires me to think and my brain sucks at its one job

* Due to routes branching from one another, it will likely take several chapter updates of different routes before the one to your route's ending is complete

* This is written in the style of Genshin hangout so some endings may feel incomplete or ambiguous like one of Ningguang's or Heizou's ending because none of the routes will go beyond a day(hence the fanfiction's title) although I may post a separate one-shot into a series to wrap up loose ends.

* It's SFW. Not even profanities. Literally, no one would care but I want to attempt to make everything as canon as possible. Genshin never uses swear words even though let's be honest, Scara is the type to swear every two seconds if only Mihoyo would let him.

*I'm aiming for at least five endings like most Genshin hangouts. If I still have the motivation and interest to continue, I'll go beyond. Yae was right; writer's block is the worst. I'm in a constant battle. If this book doesn't end with more than five endings, writer's block has won.

*I'm a pretty slow writer who tries to focus on quality over quantity even though I'm not too good of a writer. My schedule is busy and writing is only a hobby so probably expect two updates a month. Less if I'm going back to edit.

* Last but not least, this is originally posted in AO3 because I like AO3 most. Publishing on Wattpad makes me a little nervous because the community here is usually more social, comments more, and can be a little more hectic. I like recognition but too much overwhelms me. I'm a snowflake and an introvert and can't take hate comments very well but I'm trying to get better. I don't mind criticism though as long as it's done in a civil manner (good critique and hate comments are very different). I'm giving Wattpad a try but I might solo publish on AO3. FYI, I'm only publishing edited chapters from AO3 so that platform will be ahead. This was specifically made with hyperlink which is possible in AO3 format.

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