Gentle Giant Part 1

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Jared's Picture is not the red one.... he's the big guy!!

This is my first time writing anything to do with furries, so i'm just going to say, or write, that I might or might not mess up, not sure but I'll try my best.

Jared's POV

Waiting for everyone to finally leave the house, I got up to do my morning routine. After I finished my morning shower and got dressed, I went downstairs. Grabbing my boots, I slipped them on, grabbed my bag and went out for a walk through the woods. Going down the familiar paths, I stopped abruptly when my ears pricked and I heard a bell chiming. "A hunter's trap," I whispered to myself, moving towards the continuous chime of the bell. As I neared it I could smell a rabbit. When I was able to see it I was taken back by a cute little blue and white rabbit that was frantically trying to escape the noose around it's right hind leg.

I stepped out of the bushes and cautiously approached the frightened baby. When it seemed to sense my presence, it immediately stopped struggling to free itself. Kneeling down next to it I gently grabbed it's scruff and carefully loosened the noose, slipping it off the rabbit's foot. Picking the little creature up tentatively, I sat down on a nearby rock examining it for any injury. The little rabbit had none so I smiled, stood up, took apart the noose trap, stuffed it in my bag and all the while the rabbit was safely tucked in my arm. Looking down I smiled as the rabbit's curious little nose sniffing at my shirt, twitched in the cutest way. "Lets get you somewhere safer little one, you don't want to get caught in another trap do ya?" I asked the rabbit as I walked back to the path. All it did was look up at me and twitch it's little nose. I chuckled and gently pet it's soft ears. "Why anyone would want to harm an adorable little rabbit is beyond me, especially when it's inhumane the way hunters leave traps around like that," I said kneeling down again when I thought it was okay to let the little guy loose. Setting the rabbit on the soft, crisp grass I watched as he hopped away into the bushes. Smiling when he was out of sight I stood and continued down the path again.

Faron's POV

I watched from downwind as the big wolf freed and made sure that the rabbit was alright. I had been on my way to do exactly that and when i'd almost reached the chiming bell, it had abruptly stopped. I'd carefully crept closer and had been expecting the worse only to be surprised as a muscular giant wolf furry gently held the rabbit in place as he removed the noose from around it's leg. Then he'd picked it up like he was afraid of hurting it, sat down on a rock and seemed to be examining it for any possible injury. I guess he didn't find any because he smiled and stood up, taking apart the trap, stuffing it in the bag I just now noticed was around his shoulder, then walked off.

Following him while staying downwind I heard a deep, gently soothing voice that made me shiver slightly say, "Let's get you somewhere safer little one, you don't want to get caught in another trap do ya?" I realized that it was the wolf's voice as I continued to follow the gentle giant. I heard him chuckle then he said something I couldn't quite hear as he gently set the rabbit down and watch as it hopped out of sight. He smiled, stood and continued walking again as I followed him. I was curious about him and wanted to see what he was doing in the forest.

~Half an hour later~

He was still walking down the paths but then he suddenly veered off track and went onto a path that was barely there. 'I know where he's going, He's heading towards the cave hills,' I thought to myself as we went along the barely there trail. I liked visiting the cave hills, it was always nice to take a nap in the sun on the platform like rock at the very top of the hill. I watched as he walk up to one of the cave mouths and looked around then went inside.

Curious I went towards the cave and sniffed the air inside, my sensitive ears twitching for any sound. I didn't hear anything and went inside cautiously looking around, I noticed a light coming from the back of the cave. Going towards it, I looked around the corner careful to stay hidden and pricked my ears when I was met with just a lantern. I looked around but there was nowhere else for the wolf to hide. Then I tensed as I felt a presence behind me that surrounded me in a dominant figures shadow. Whirling around I stepped back a bit staring into the wolf's brown eyes, wary of the way his muscular frame blocked my only exit to freedom. He eyed me curiously and tilted his head as if in thought. The wolf took a step closer and I immediately backed away from him. His eyes narrowed a little.

'I really should have stayed home today,' I thought as I started to tremble a little. My mother warned me this morning to stay home because, for some reason, some males can have heats like females do. That's only if they're a submissive male though. Anyway yesterday was when my mother predicted i'd go into heat again soon. My mother also warned me about going anywhere near a dominant male at this time (like she does every year since I turned 16, i'm 21 now), which is exactly what I did and am still doing. I just hope being close to going in heat and being near the wolf doesn't actually make me start my heat right now.

But my hope flew away like a bird as I felt the somewhat familiar but unwelcome feeling of a sudden sting, building into a painful cramp in my stomach. Then his stance stiffened as I felt it worsen slightly. He sniffed the air and stared right into my eyes. I smelt his arousal, whimpered and backed away from him, crouching down to hide as best as I could, hoping he wouldn't come closer.

Jared's POV

I thought I was being followed so I headed towards the cave hills like I was going to but I was setting a trap of my own. When I got there I looked around real quick then went inside. I ran to the back of the cave and lit the lantern, then I went to the front and hid behind a pillar of rock, waiting for who or whatever it was to come inside. I picked up the sound of sniffing and took in a slow, deep breath. Deer. It was a deer. I peeked out from my hiding spot to see a young deer furry, maybe five years younger than me (mind you i'm not old, I am only 24), walking right past my hiding spot looking around cautiously, his hoofs making a soft 'Pit Pat' on the moss covered cave floor. I crept out and followed him to the back of the cave, when he saw the lantern's light he moved hesitantly towards it and looked around the corner in the back. I watched amused as his ears pricked and he looked from side to side, looking for me. I stepped closer to him and he stiffened.

The young deer whirled around to face me and I was assaulted by a pair of hazel eyes. I could tell that he was wary of me, but he was also scared since I was blocking his only escape route. I looked him up and down, he looked submissive, slightly strong. I tilted my head wondering if he would go through heat at this time of the year like the submissive male wolfs did in my pack. Now that I thought about it I took a step closer, he stepped away from me again and I wanted to growl at him, make him submit to me. He clearly became frightened of me when my eyes narrowed at him so I tried calming myself as he became lost in thought. As I calmed the young deer grimaced and I was about to ask if he was alright when I smelt it, his heat. He just went into heat. Right in front of me. I stared right into his eyes and he whimpered backing away and trying to hide himself as he smelt my arousal. I wanted to go over to him and comfort him but I didn't trust myself not to touch him without getting carried away and mating with and trying to breed him. So I sat down as far from him as I could to make him comfortable with me being there with him. I wasn't able to sit much more than six feet away from him though, so I made sure to sit calmly and wait for him to look at me.

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