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I couldn't run anymore. The thick muck that engorged my feet slowed me down from a sprint to a pathetic jog. The rain belted my face and I could barely recognize the trees as I ran pass them.

"Help me!" I try to scream but it was drowned out by the booming of the thunder and the screeching of the wind.

'I don't wanna die' I thought, 'God help me please! Please! Please!'

I trip over a large root and fell face first into the muck. I struggled to pull myself up and a pain from my ankle made me wince. I felt rain,mud,tears, and blood flowing down my face.

"I can't move" look up and become paralyzed in fear.

Two large, cat like eyes stare down at me. Even though my vision was blurry those unblinking eyes were clear as day.

"I've found you my dear Fox." I long skinny hand reach out of the darkness and stroked my trembling face." Now I will devour you so you can't run anymore." A toothy smile appears under the horrifying eyes.

"N-no..." When it open is huge mouth the darkness inside was nothing like I've ever seen.

"NO! NO! NO!"


My alarm scares me into a sitting position. I slap the snooze button then look at the time.


I sigh and lay back down slowly.

It was just a bad dream Fox. Just another bad dream. I wipe the sweat off my forehead and look at my phone. I had three miss calls from Jake and mom and dad's regular 'I love you' texts. I roll myself out of bed and listen to my boyfriend whining voice mail on how I've been "distant lately". I rolled my eyes tossing my phone on to my desk while walking to the bathroom.

"Time for school" I grumble to myself.

I put on a black Childish Gambino graphic tee, ripped knee-high jeans, and my favorite black converse. I gave myself a once over in the mirror. I feel on my chest over my shirt. I really need a bigger bra. I think to myself.

I walked down the stairs and as expected the house was empty.

I applied my make up in the down-stairs bathroom and grab my pre-pack backpack.

I head outside and toss my bag into the back of my 2014 BMW convertible.

The sun was bright and hot on my face. It was a refreshing feeling in January.

When I get in the car my phone started to buzz. It was Chris.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Yo Foxy? Can you pick me up? I don't think I getting a ride from my mom today." She sounded annoyed.

"Sure thing. I just got in the car. I'll be there in 20." I could hear her parents screaming in the background.

"Before you go, did you and Jake have a fight or something? He practically blew up my phone last night because he couldn't get in touch with you." I chuckled slightly.

" He says I've been distant but I don't know. There has just been a lot on my mind ya know? He's way too clingy to be completely honest." I said jokingly.

"Are you having those dreams again?" Chris asked in a serious voice. Her serious voice made me uncomfortable.

"No Chrisy. I'm just fine. We'll talk more when I pick you up."

I hung of the phone and looked at my hands on the steering wheel. They were shaking.

It was just a dream.

I've been having dreams like this for the last few years. Each time it's the same scene and the same monster and the same darkness. I told Chris that they had stopped a year ago. I was a fool for thinking I could confid in my friends. Now they did what good friends should, smothering me with concern and worry. But I couldn't breathe, so I lied. The truth is that the dreams had been getting stronger, more vivid, and lately I feel like I can't even wake up. Like the darkness will swallow me whole.

As I make my way down Chris's street I could hear her parents arguing from her front yard.
"You black bastard!" Her mom screamed. "Whose panties are these?? I don't have a pair of pink fucking lace panties! These are not mine Luis!" When I pulled up her mom was waving around a pair of underwear in Mr. Luis's face.
"You crazy women! Ion know where the damn underwear came from! I ain't cheating on you so chill the fuck out Dana!" She started hitting on him.
"You lying bastard! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!"
"OW! Damnit Dana I ain't cheat! I ain't! "
Chris came storming out the house with her bag on one shoulder. She open up the passenger seat door and toss her back in.
"I'll be right back." Chris said adjusting her skinny jeans.
"Sure sure. Those your underwear?" I grinned at her.
"Yup. How much time do we got?"
"About twenty minutes. Go ahead and take care of your business."
I sunk down and got comfortable in my seat as I watch Chris deal with her parents.
All the excitement distracted me from my fear.

I have more too come. This is my first story so please excuse any hiccups. I'll fix them tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2015 ⏰

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