Chapter One

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Elsa's life was complete...almost. She and Anna were reunited, her heart had thawed, and the kingdom had accepted her. But one thing was missing.

"How did it go?" Anna asked. She had been waiting outside the court room.

Elsa squeezed her sister's hand. "It's over. He can't hurt us anymore. I'm sending Hans back to the Southern Ilsles. His twelve brothers will decide his fate. He will be escorted to the docks tomorrow. He is banished. We'll never have to see him ever again."

Elsa smiled when Anna pulled her into a hug. After years of isolating herself, it felt weird to be in control of her powers. "I promise to protect you," Elsa whispered. She and Anna cried as they held each other.

That night, Elsa couldn't sleep. For the first time since they were little kids, they were sleeping in Elsa's room. Anna's hair was frizzy, she drooled, and she scored loudly.

Elsa resisted the urge to shove Anna off the bed. Instead, Elsa thought about the future. She saw herself being the perfect, strong, compassionate Queen the people needed. She saw Anna getting married and raising a family. And Elsa pictured herself all alone. The people respected her, but no one would dare try to actually to love a Snow Queen, not when she couldn't marry. She decided she would never marry, she would never give up her title ever again.

Anna's snoring grew even louder. Elsa groaned quielty. Well, she still had Anna. Finally, Elsa fell asleep. She woke before dawn. Anna was still asleep. Not even the servants were up yet.

Elsa kissed Anna's forehead then quickly got dressed. She stood in the hall, debating her next move. She finally had choices. But she wanted a few, rebellious hours before she slipped into the role expected of her. As a child, she had never disobeyed, not since the day she accidentally hit Anna with her powers.

Elsa took a breath. She marched to the dungeons. The guards parted for her. Elsa didn't think, she just acted. She walked into Hans cell and shut the door behind her. "We don't have long, the whole castle is gonna wake up any minute. I was never here, do you understand?"

Hans rubbed his jaw. It was slightly bruised from where Anna had punched him the day before. Hans expression became intrigued. "Time for what? Decided to kill me?" He was chained at the wrists but that was all.

"I'm sending you home, evening the score," Elsa straightened. "We don't owe each other anything."

Hans spoke slowly, "What did Anna tell you..."

"I know that you left her to die and attempted to take over by killing me," Elsa spoke gravely. Hans face twitched. Elsa clasped her shaking hands together. "But you also kept me from becoming a murderer on the North Mountain, imprisoned me to keep the others from killing me, and I knew you were going to kill me before Anna intervened. I wanted you to kill me, I wasn't going to stop you, not when I thought that Anna was dead."

Hans stayed silent but didn't break eye contact.

Elsa's eyes watered. "Before Anna threw herself in front of me, I felt you hesitate. You started to withdraw the sword. So I'm sending you home, and asking your brothers to spare you. But you will be punished. You deserve that at least."

Hans finally spoke. "Did you just come in here to talk?" He slowly started to grin.

"Only you would dare," Elsa said in a neutral tone. She stepped closer. "So do it."

He considered for a moment. It felt like eternity. "Does my Queen command it? Chains and all?"

"I'm only asking once." Elsa's eyes narrowed. She grabbed his shoulders. He pulled her into a kiss.

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