Chapter Three

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"Are you sure about this?" Anna paced the study as Elsa reviewed statements from the council. "Someone else could go."

Elsa smiled at her sister's concern. "Last I heard, Hans was in prison shoveling poo. I won't even see him. And now I have control of my powers." It had been a year since Hans was banished. Elsa was thriving as Queen, and hardly ever needed her powers. She had a routine, and was comfortable.

"And the ship looks sturdy?" Anna asked in a whisper. Their parents had died in a shipwreck.

Elsa pulled Anna into a hug. "If something happens, I'll freeze the ocean and come back to you. Promise."

Anna relaxed. "Okay, hurry home."

Elsa glanced at the grandfather clock. She had already told Olaf, the talking snowman, and Kristof, Anna's boyfriend, goodbye.

That night, Elsa found herself on a ship headed towards the Southern Isles. She rested on the railing. It would be a quick trip. All she had to do was sign a few papers to ensure the trade route between the two kingdoms.

Then she thought about Hans, wondered if he had changed. And if he had, for better or worse. She rarely thought of him, but when she did, she remembered every little detail and smiled all over again. But she had moved on. Had he?

Finally, the voyage was over. Elsa stepped off the ship and was escorted to the castle. The visit went as planned. Elsa didn't want to admit it, but she was bored, bored of being Queen. She couldn't help but wonder if she was meant for something else, something she couldn't yet grasp.

The day before she was to return home, Elsa explored the castle without any guards. She found herself deep in the castle. She slipped past the guards and found the dungeons. She crept past the cells. Then she heard screaming.

The screaming was coming from a cell to her right. Elsa glanced at the cell. Hans sat in a pile of filth, a rat biting at his torn clothes. Hans woke from his nightmare and clutched his head. "I'm so sorry."

Elsa's heart broke a little.

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