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I needed an excuse to share my new cover.

Hopefully y'all got the jest of this new work from the cover and the small blurb (better blurb once I flesh things out more). I hope to start releasing this story around April of 2024 since I will need time to do research. It seems I've decided that rather than setting it in one of the two time periods or places I've been doing research on for the past 5 years I've decided to place it someplace completely different! So that will take me some time. My current research on two separate countries is currently a black void I can't seem to get myself out of so we will see how it goes to add a third.

This novel, or possibly novella, will be set in a medieval town centered on two maids going on a murderous rampage against the powers that be. You know...girls being gals. 

I also need to have a novel with female characters in it that actually passes the Bechdel test.  

Anyway just a short teaser and cover sharing. More updates will come when they develop <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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