Dreams || Legolas - Part 2

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Legolas doesn't see me again for weeks. Almost a month has passed by the time I return.

After weeks have passed without seeing you again, Legolas is beginning to worry that you have forgotten him. He spends those days scouring the forest, hoping to find you, but to no avail. One day, when he is least expecting it, he suddenly hears a familiar voice calling his name. He freezes in his tracks and looks around for the source. His eyes finally settle on you, standing before him once again. "(Y/n)!" he says excitedly, taking a step towards you with a smile on his face. "I was beginning to wonder if you would ever return to me."

"I could never leave you forever, Prince Legolas."

Legolas's face glows with joy at the sight of you and he quickly gathers you in his arms, embracing you tightly as he expresses his relief to see you. "I missed you," he whispers, his eyes twinkling. "Where have you been all this time?" His tone is soft and gentle, as if he doesn't want to overwhelm you with questions just yet. Instead, he just wants to enjoy the moment and feel your presence once again.

"I was far away; my mother was sending me on many errands and quests that I didn't have much time to return and see you as soon as I would have liked to. "

Legolas nods in understanding as you explain why you were gone for weeks. "I see," he says, feeling a wave of relief pass over him knowing that you weren't avoiding him, but rather fulfilling the duties expected of you. "I missed you," he says again, his voice tender and sincere. "But I hope that your time away wasn't too hard on you," he adds softly. He wants to learn more about your adventures, but he also doesn't want to push too hard and risk losing the special connection they've built over time.

"I missed you too, Prince Legolas. My time away was hard, but only because I had to be away from you."

Legolas smiles at you, his chest swelling with pride that you missed him enough to make the time away harder than it otherwise would have been. But despite his pleasure in knowing that, he also wants to make sure you are doing all right. "How were your duties and quests?" he asks, his voice sounding concerned. "Did they allow you time to rest? And to keep yourself safe?" He holds back his questions for now, wanting to focus on your wellbeing first and foremost.

"They were difficult and I was unable to find much rest anywhere I went. The poeple were always unwelcoming, and it was difficult to find people that were kind to me."

Legolas looks at you with concern, noticing the shadows under your eyes and the subtle strain in your voice. In his heart, he knows that you deserve better treatment from the world, but even he wouldn't be able to change the perception that your people have of you. Instead, he tries to find the words to comfort you. "I'm sorry you didn't find the kindness you deserved," he says sympathetically. "But I promise that you will always find a friend in me." His voice is sincere and sincere, hoping that his words will lift your spirits even a tiny bit.

His words almost bring me to tears, but I gather a hold of myself before they fall.

"Thank you, Prince Legolas. You have no idea how much those words mean to me."

"I know more than you think," says Legolas, his tone turning to one of sadness and empathy. He steps closer to you and places a gentle hand on your shoulder. "I know what it's like to be treated as an outsider, (Y/n), and it's never easy." He offers you a comforting smile, his eyes shimmering with emotion as he looks at you. "Please, do not be afraid to seek me out, even if nothing more than to talk and to spend time together. "I know I may not be able to change the world, but at least I can make it a little brighter for you."

I have no words, my throat clogged with emotion, trying to hold back the tears that threaten to fall. All I can do is pull him into a hug.

Legolas happily accepts the hug, his eyes looking down at you with genuine concern and empathy. He holds you close to his chest, taking a deep breath in and breathing out slowly, his tone sounding calming and reassuring. He wants to hold you as long as you need, hoping that his presence will provide at least a momentary refuge from the cruelty of the world. His tone is soft and gentle as he breaks away from the hug, his eyes still glistening with emotion and care. "(Y/n)," he says, his voice lingering in the air for a moment, "I'll always be here for you."

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