This is berk

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Percy's POV

"This is Berk. It's twelve days north of Hopeless and a few degrees south of freezing to death. It's located solidly on the meridian of misery. My village. In a word, sturdy. It's been here for seven generations, but every single building is new. We have fishing, hunting, and a charming view of the sunsets. The only problems are the pests. You see, most places have mice or mosquitoes. We have...dragons."

I quickly shut the door, though just as quickly I run out to head to work. Hiccup continues, "Most people would leave. Not us. We're Vikings. We have stubbornness issues. My name is Hiccup. Great name, I know. But it's not the worst. Parents believe a hideous name will frighten off gnomes and trolls. Like our charming Viking demeanor wouldn't do that."

Hiccups falls down and a Viking lands on top of him yelling, "Ahhhh, morning!" "What are you doing here?! Get inside!"

I suddenly get picked up by our father who looks at m, while I smile sheepishly, "Hiccup! Percy! What are you doing? What are you doing out?! Get inside!"

My dad says as he tosses me from his face literally. Then I hear, "Dad don't be so hard on them, I saw them trying to get to the forge."

I look at them both, "That's Stoick the Vast, chief of the tribe. When he was a baby, he popped a dragon's head clean off its shoulders. Do I believe it? Yes, I do. And then there is Molly, our older sister of about ten years. They also say that she was blessed by the goddess Frigga and the god Njord and that she has many powers.

(A/N, Molly has wings, super strength, and control over water and wind. Percy also has control over water and wind)

And was able to pass the dragon academy at the age of ten. But she still protects us and helps me train in secret when she is not helping dad with chiefly duties. "

I then look up to see Molly taking down a Nadder. I make it to Gobber's forge, "Nice of you to join the party! I thought you'd been carried off!"

I look at him as I put on my apron and Hiccup comments, "Who, me? No, come on, I'm way too muscular for their taste. They wouldn't know what to do with all this." As he flexes his small arms, Gobber looks at us both and says, "They need toothpicks, don't they?"

We both get to work, transferring bent and chipped weapons to the forge as Vikings crowd the counter for replacements. Hiccup continues, "The meathead with attitude and interchangeable hands is Gobber. We've been his apprentice ever since. We were little. Well...littler. See? Old village. Lots and lots of new houses."

A Monstrous Nightmare shoots a ball of fire at a house and in response, the fire brigade charges through the plaza six teens, tugging a large wooden cask on wheels. From it, they fill buckets of water to douse the flames. One among them is a cute, energetic Viking girl. And a tall blonde young Viking boy. Hiccup and I lean out of the stall to watch them.

Hiccup stares at them, "Oh and that's Fishlegs, Snotlout. The twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut, Astrid and Asher." An explosion erupts behind them, framing the group in a ball of fire. The others join her, looking awesome and heroic. I mutter, "Their job is so much cooler."

Hiccup tries to join them as they pass, but we are hooked by Gobber and hoisted back inside, "Ah, come on. Let me out, please. I need to make my mark." Hiccup pleads

"Oh, you've made plenty of marks. All in the wrong places." Gobber states.

"Please, two minutes. We'll kill a dragon. Our lives will get infinitely better. We might even get a date." I say

"You can't lift a hammer. You can't swing an axe." Gobber grabs a bola, iron balls connected by rope, and holds it up, staring at the twins, "you can't even throw one of these."

Fem Percy in How To Train Your Dragon trilogyWhere stories live. Discover now