The beginning

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San is struggling, the last few months leading up to this day have been such a struggle, he has constantly been dealing with stuff at home including a huge argument with his boyfriend which lead to the breaking up and the bad mood all of this put him in caused him to lose his job. So now he has no home, no job and no money. San was having to stay in cheap hostels every night using the little amount of money which he had left. He managed a couple of weeks staying in various places but he was running out of money very quickly and would soon have no choice but to stay on the streets which was something he really didn't want to resort to. San was losing hope very quickly, he had been to many job interviews and applied for even more jobs but nothing was coming to him, he wasn't in contact with any of his close family anymore, them deciding it would be the best to just cut him off after finding out that he is gay so there is no chance that he could go home.

San was ready to just give up with everything and just accept that his life was going to be like this forever. That was until a miracle happened! Whilst San was walking around the city looking for somewhere to spend the night he happened to bump into one of his old friends Jeong Yunho. When San had heard his name being called and he saw it was him he couldn't believe his eyes! Not only had it been so long since they last saw each other but they had both talked about leaving this town as soon as they graduated and would live a new life far away from here,, San honestly felt a little embarrassed he definitely didn't look his best right now he hadn't had a haircut in the longest time and had no money to buy any new clothes, but based on the way yunho was looking at him and talking to him showed that he shouldn't really care about any of that.

"So I guess both us didn't go through with our big plan to get out of this place then" San chuckles and looked at yunho with a soft smile "yeah I guess! Money is an issue though it's not easy to just get up and go,, I think young San and yu really underestimated things" yunho runs a Hand through his hair as he speaks "so San are you still with that wooyoung guy? You two seemed so smitten when I last saw you!" San internally cringed at yunhos words remembering how he has promised that they would be together forever and were talking about what they wanted to do in the future, now they were separated all because San wanted wooyoung all to himself.. San thought it was a stupid reason to break up but who was he to say anything on it?

"Nah.. we broke up a couple of months back.. I found out he was cheating on me so I left" he lied so that yunho wouldn't ask anymore questions. He really didn't want to be explaining all of this right now. "Damn.. I will never get why people do shit like that.. you are such a genuine guy too.. you will find the one San fuck that wooyoung guy" yunho shakes his head looking at San in disbelief. After a few seconds of silence san opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by yunho speaking "please don't take this as me being rude but.. do you have a place to stay? When we last met I know you had already had a big argument with your parents and you were staying at wooyoungs.. where are you staying now?" San let out a soft sigh as yunho finished and he looked up at him "well, I have been staying in hostels for the last few weeks but you know.. money doesn't last forever so I'm probably gonna find a lovely bench tonight" San saying this caused yunho to gasp and shake his head "no that's not right san.. you can't be living on the streets you could get hurt and you won't have any quality of life.." yunhos eyes lit up as he was finishing his sentence "oh my goodness! I remember Jinyoung telling me his little brother is looking for a roommate! He can't afford to pay all of the rent by himself so he's looking for someone! Let me have your number and I will text you and stuff!" Yunho said with a big smile and San couldn't help but feel relief rush over him as yunho spoke but one part of it made his hope all disappear again..

"Yunho.. I Appreciate you telling me but I have no money.. like none at all I am broke.. I wish I could help but-" "San it will be good for a couple of weeks I'm sure.. we can get you a job! The place I work at is hiring so I will speak to my manager and we can figure something out! I will even help you money when I can, I'm not going to let you suffer anymore okay? Now give me your number and I will tell you what happens!" San smiled softly and handed yunho his phone so they can exchange numbers again, seeing yunho now made San realise how much he has missed him he is such a sweet person..

"Okay san I will give you my address and you can stay there tonight! You are not staying on the streets not at all, I will text mingi and let him know he won't mind you staying at all! I will also text jinyoung and see if his brother Is still looking for a room mate and even if he isn't I am still more than happy to keep you at my place until you get back on your feet" yunho smiled as he spoke and it made sans heart feel full, after the last couple of months it makes him so happy to hear that someone still cares about him "thank you so much hyung.. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't meet you today you are a life saver" "san you are so welcome I'm glad I could help you! You are my best friend after all! Anyway I wish I could talk for longer but I really need to get to work! So you go to my place, get yourself settled in! Take a shower do whatever you need and you can take whatever you want from my closet and I will see you later" yunho spoke with a big smile as he typed out his address and sent it to San, he then reached forward to ruffle sans hair before walking away at a fast pace "see you later yunho" San spoke before looking down at his phone and reading the address. He decided it would be easier for him to type it into maps and it would lead him right there.

After around twenty minutes of walking San finally arrives at yunhos apartment and the first thing he does is walk straight to the bathroom so he is able to take a shower and freshen up. The minute he is done and is all clean he walks into yunhos room grabbing a tshirt and a pair of sweatpants before heading to the living room sitting down on the couch feeling full of hope and like a huge weight has been lifted of his shoulders. His life has changed so much in the past hour and he genuinely can't believe it, he feels so grateful and relieved. San is soon pulled from his thoughts when he hears the front door open and footsteps coming towards him. When he turns to see who walked in he is surprised to see a tall man standing there with very bright orange and yellow hair looking at him with a surprised expression on his face. San stands up bowing his head and he walks over to the tall man "I am San.. I don't know if yunho told you but I am staying here.. I don't know how long for but I hope you are okay with it" San looks at the man whose expression seems to have softened a lot and he smiles widely "ahh yes! Yunho texted me! I just forget things sometimes.. I am mingi! Yunhos boyfriend! And I am completely fine with you staying here!" Mingi beams and unexpectedly pulls him into a hug which San happily expects. He can definitely get used to mingi he seems so sweet. "So San! Would you like anything to eat? I just bought a bunch of snacks maybe we can watch movies and eat snacks until yunho gets home! I have a day off today" mingi smiles happily and let's go of San waiting for him to answer and when he agrees mingi rushes into the kitchen to grab all of his snacks. "Okay san put any movie on I am happy with anything I am gonna get blankets!" Mingi says as he rushes out of the living room and returning minutes later with an armful of blankets. "Okay let's get started! I see you have picked a scarier movie.. that is all good but I might end up throwing these snacks everywhere" mingi sits beside San on the couch and wraps a blanket around his shoulders holding a bag of chips as he opens them and looks at the screen. San glances over at mingi with a soft smile feeling happy that he has been welcomed so nicely, it feels nice knowing someone wants him around.

Hours pass and with only a small amount of chips scattered around the room from mingi being jump-scared it is almost time that yunho arrives back. San glances over at mingi who hasn't spoken or screamed for a while and sees that he has now fallen asleep. San smiles at this and decided to tidy up the little mess which was made as he feels it is only fair as yunho and mingi have accepted him into their house. Once he is done he decides to go and sit with mingi again until yunho eventually gets home. Before putting on another movie he puts a blanket over mingi so he is comfortable as he sleeps and continues watching tv.

By the time yunho gets home both San and mingi have fallen asleep at either end of the couch and yunho can't help but smile. He decides to take a shower get into his pyjamas before walking back to the living room and he covers San with a blanket for the night before gently picking up mingi and carrying the sleepy boy through to bed, placing him down into bed gently and getting in beside him. He falls asleep feeling more happy than usual as tomorrow will be the day that San will get to meet his new room mate and he can't wait to break the news to San.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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