Part one: The first step

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Sakura and Tomoyo were tired as they headed home from the art museum. They had spent a long night there before finally catching the Silent card. They did their best to keep their eyes open, being jolted awake by the chilling breeze. They heard ruffling in a bush nearby. They froze, feeling eyes on them. They heard it again, but now closer than before. They heard it one last time, this time knowing exactly where it was coming from. Sakura turned her head towards the bush next to her, shaking with fear. She felt eyes on her, she saw eyes on her. She tried to scream, but only a squeak came out. Tomoyo ran, grabbing Sakura's arm. Sakura shrieked as she felt a hand grip her leg. She shuddered, terrified. Everything slowed down, yet was going so fast. Tomoyo pulled on Sakura even harder, ripping Sakura from the hand's grasp. They ran as fast as they could, blindly running through the darkness. Their legs ached as they ran. They continued to run, not looking back even once. They ran for what felt like an eternity. Everything was so fast but so slow. They spotted a large silhouette not too far from themselves, but only barely. They ran towards it, hoping for a safe place to hide. It didn't take long for them to reach the silhouette, now realizing what it was. It was the Playtime factory! We're saved! Tomoyo thought, knowing in her mind that they'd be able to return home safe in the morning. We can just stay the night then leave in the morning when it opens up for the day! She was so happy she could cry. But she was also scared, and ran till she hit the door of the building. Her head pulsed and her legs ached. She got up, staggering. Sakura had fallen to the ground. She had fainted from the stress of the situation, leaving Tomoyo to drag her inside. She pounded on the door, shaking the handle as hard as she could. 

Kero was home sleeping, but woke up, knowing something was very wrong. Sakura was in danger! He followed his senses, leading him to the scene of Tomoyo pounding on the Playtime factory door, with Sakura laying unconscious on the wet ground. He knew that there must be a good reason for Tomoyo's decision, so he didn't hesitate to open the door from the inside. The door s swung open as Kero unlocked the doors. The doors slammed on the wall without Kero having the chance to get off. Tomoyo fell into the factory, panting. She Picked up Sakura, dragging her in. Her arms ached and her teeth grinded together as she struggled to drag Sakura one last time. Once Sakura was no longer in the doorway, Tomoyo dropped their weight, their bodies slamming to the floor. She got up weakly, just barely having the strength to close and lock the doors. 

She drifted off to sleep, thinking that they'd return home safe in the morning, but never came home. She had taken the first step into her worst nightmare. There was no turning back now.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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