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Mae stared at George in front of her as he replied to her. "Yeah, that's me. You're Mae then, right?" he questioned, while glancing at all of the bags Mae has in her hands. He reached over and took a shopping bag out of her hands.

"Mhm" she nodded her head while handing over the bag. "Where have you parked, please tell me somewhere close, I'm exhausted." Mae was sure that George could practically see her eye bags and she would very much like to go to sleep as soon as possible.

"Oh, did Alex not tell you?" George asked. This confused the girl as Alex had not told her anything to do with where George had parked.

"Tell me what? He just said you were picking me up instead of him. Apparently something came up." Mae noticed that George had started to laugh, which confused her even more as she didn't think she had said anything funny. "What, what did I say?" she questioned him, looking straight into his eyes.

He seemed to pause for a second, looking back into her eyes before looking away and answering her question. "Alex seems to have left out one little, tiny, miniscule detail. I don't have a car."

"You don't have a car? Then how are we going to get to the house?" The brunette ran through the possible ways to get to the house in her head. Maybe a taxi? Or a train? She just hoped that she wouldn't have to walk home, that, she decided, would be the cherry on top of her bad day.

"Don't worry we're taking a taxi. We just have to find one" and with that he started to walk off in the opposite direction of the airport door. Mae quickly trailed after him, taking 2 steps every time he took one as both his legs and his stride were much longer than her.

The pair eventually found a taxi and as Mae sat down in the back seat, she was surprised to see that George joined her in the there instead of sitting in the front. They talked the whole way back to the apartment, with George making terrible puns that Mae couldn't help laugh at.

Conversation flew easily between the two, one of them always laughing at a joke that the other had just made.

The conversation came to a halt, however, when George's phone began to ring. He apologised and answered the call, and, not wanting to be nosey, Mae looked out the window at all of the passing buildings and people.

She then glanced down at her own phone and realised she hadn't texted Caoimhe that she was in London yet.



i made it (moslty) in
one piece

what do you mean

did something bad
happen? are you ok?


im fine my suitcase
just got left behind

oh mae that sucks

but atleast now we
are closer together

yeah i cant wait to
see you

ill ttyl love u

Placing her phone on her lap, the girl saw that George was still talking on the phone so she took out her earphones and opened up Spotify. She pressed shuffle on her playlist that consisted of songs she had been compiling for years. It was moslty quieter songs which was probably why the next thing Mae knew, she felt a repeated tapping on her shoulder. She lifted her head off of the window and opened her eyes to see that the taxi had arrived at what she presumed was the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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