2. Leaving for Duty

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The morning dawns, as the sun climbed the sky. It flooded the flame Hashira's room with sunlight. Rays of sunshine hit the blonde in the face, he groaned in discomfort and turned his face away from the light. Kyojuro's body felt like lead. He struggled to sit up straight.

I feel so weak.. Concentrate Kyojuro! You have missions awaiting you today! He thought. Rengoku managed to haul himself onto his feet, now he leaned against the wall panting. Drops of sweat formed on his forehead. Wherever this sudden feeling weakness is coming from, I'll overcome it. It'll pass. Dressing himself was almost as exhausting as his training. The blonde hissed in pain when he moved to put on his uniform. Strapping his sword to his belt was difficult, he could bearly lift it.

Later Kyojuro had finished readying himself. He staggered through his home, the sword on his side was weighing him down. I should tell father I'm leaving, he pondered. He slowly moved to Shinjuro's room. The for was slightly open. "Father?"

Kyojuro peaked into the man's room. "What do you want?" Shinjuro blurted out. The former Hashira didn't even made the effort to face his silently suffering son. "I will be taking my leave now!" he smiled. "Yeah yeah get out now" the father slurred. Kyojuro just nodded and left his father by hinself

Rengoku stood in the doorway, he lifted his arm to shield his eye from the brighness of the sun. Then he saw Senjuro sweeping.

The younger Rengoku waved "Good morning, Aniue. Did you sleep well?"

He bearly slept at all. And those minutes he did were terrible.

"Good- good morning" he smiled. Kyojuro slowly stepped into the sunlight. He winced and his eye shut almost instinctively. Senjuro eyed him "Aniue are you alright? You look a bit pale" he noted concerned. Every muscle in Kyojuro's was strained just to keep standing in his normal way. "Pale? Senjuro I feel alright". The older brother was unaware first a moment. Then suddenly he felt someone touch his hand, instinctively the other one flew to his Katana. Before he could unsheath it he stopped himself.

I almost raised my blade against Senjuro. How did I not notice him coming to me?

Kyojuro was pondering silently. "KYOJURO!" Senjuro shouted. That ripped the elder blonde from his thoughts. "Huh? What?" He asked. "Kyojuro! Your skin is burning, you must have a fever!" The smaller Rengoku exclaimed worried. Fever? "Oh no no, Senjuro I'm alri-" The Hashira was interrupted by harsh coughing that erupted from his throat, his balance left him again. He fell onto his knees and coughed in his elbow. Senjuro held onto his brother's chest to keep him in a sitting position. "Aniue you are Sick! you should rest!" The boy insisted.

Kyojuro's coughing fit ended, he rested his head on the shoulder of his smaller sibling. He let his arm drop to his side and Senjuro went pale. The Hashira's sleeve had blood on it. It was difficult to see on the dark fabric of his Demon slayer uniform but it was definitely there. The boy turned the older face to him and saw a drop of blood on the corner of his mouth. He coughed up blood. "Aniue please get back to bed, you are in no condition to fight now! You'll only hurt yourself!" Senjuro begged. Kyojuro watched him a moment through an half closed eye, the sunlight illuminated the outside brightly, it hurt his sight. He could bearly keep his eye on his little brother. "But I'm expected.." He replied weakly.

"I'll send a crow to the corps to let them know you got sick, you need to rest!" Senjuro urged. Even if a demon would offer me to cut off its head, I don't have the strength to lift my sword. "Fine.." Kyojuro whispered. The tall blonde hauled himself up, but almost fell again due to the sword strapped to his side. His body alone felt heavy enough. When suddenly the weight slowly disappeared. The Hashira stated down to see his little brother carrying it. "I may not be able to steady your walk but at least I can carry your blade" Senjuro smiled softly. Kyojuro dragged himself back into his room and dropped onto the futon, panting. The younger blonde boy put the sword carefully aside. He layed a hand onto the older's forehead, his skin felt hot to the touch and dreanched in sweat. "Listen Aniue, you will stay here and rest while I'll cook you a hot soup and make you some tea okay?"

Kyojuro nodded in response and let himself fall on the futon. Senjuro covered him with a blanket. His skin looks more red there... The younger one thought, running his hand over the spot. And it's warmer then they rest... Well I should get going and make Kyojuro his food he must be hungry.

Illness {Demon Rengoku AU}Where stories live. Discover now