Dude And Mimi??

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Sprout and Candi had gone to a new trampoline park that had opened up, dragging Misty with them (who DeFiNaTeLy did NOT want to go). Pip and Bud had gone on a shopping spree..but not the kind Mimi would like. They had spent the majority of the day browsing through different weird looking mechanical parts and musical instruments.

Which had left Dude and Mimi home alone together.

- - - - -

Mimi had woken up first, at around 9, to find an empty house.
By the time she had finished doing her hair and makeup, and made her way downstairs, Dude had woken up and had ALSO made his way downstairs.

She walked in to find him sat at the kitchen table, munching on what looked like fruit loops.

"Morning Dude" she chirped.
"You didnt see me eating these, Sprout will kill me" he grumbled, sleep laced into his voice.
"Yikes..bad night sleep?" She huffed a gentle laugh before sitting opposite him with a plate of pancakes and strawberries which Dude assumed magically appeared out of nowhere.
"Didnt sleep at all, Candi had a nightmare and would not for the life of her go back to sleep"
"Doesnt Bud usually deal with that?" Mimi nonchalantly responded.
"He was out like a light, turns out he had earplugs in. Candis crying woke Misty up, who clearly thought it was MY fault and gave me an earfull"
He looked as if he was about to pass out into his half eaten bowl of cereal at this point.

"I dont know how you do it, Dude. I would have snapped at this point"
Her food seemed to have magically disappeared whilst he was talking.
Maybe he was hallucinating her entire being???
Dude just hummed a laugh.
"Hello??? Earth to Dude???"
Apparently she had been talking to him for the past 3 minutes whilst he was zoned out.
"Why dont you go get some sleep? You really need it" she had teleported, as it seemed, to right beside him and was now rubbing his shoulders in sympathy.
"Got jobs to do" he sighed, resting his head in his hands.
"Yeah, and one of those jobs is taking care of yourself, go get some sleep I'll handle it" she rolled her eyes playfully.
"Thanks Mimi, you're a star" his voice was hardly audible at this point.
As he trudged past her, he heard her quip "of course i am" and let out a quiet, exhaustion ridden laugh.
As soon as he was in bed, he was out quicker than ever before.

Mimi checked in on him every now and again, between doing 'his' jobs and constantly worrying about his welfare.

He had woken up quite a few hours later, a while after Mimi had finished all the jobs and had sentenced herself to her room, where she played her music while doing her nails.

He immediately checked the house over, looking for his saviour in hair extensions and fake lashes, before knocking hesitantly on her door.
"Yes?" She poked her head round the corner, assuming someone else had come back.
"Oh, Dude! How are you holding up?"
"Im good, uhm..a lot less tired thanks to you" he let out a soft laugh which she almost immediately returned.
"Glad to see you looking alive"she smiled at him, "you're welcome, Sports" she began to close the door but his foot lodged it open.
"I thought we dropped that name?" He leaned against the doorframe.
"I also thought we weren't best friends anymore?" She raised her eyebrow at him.

Nothing dramatic had happened for them to stop being best friends, they kinda just drifted ever since he got close with Sprout

"I wanted to thank you properly, is there anything i can do for you?" Dude sighed, a small smile plastered on his face.
"There is, actually! I thought of a new nail design and really need to try it out" she smirked, thoroughly believing that he would back out.
"Sure" he simply responded
"...they're acrylic, Dude"
"I dont care"

They stood there awkwardly before Mimi let him in her room.
He immediately regretted it. He thought he was being gassed. He couldnt breathe through all the different expensive perfumes she had sprayed in there.
She just laughed cheerfully at his reaction.
"Sit down, drama queen, i need to do your nails"

~after his nails are done.. because i cba to write more dialogue guys IM STRUGGLING HERE. ~

"Oh my gosh aren't they fabulous?!" Mimi clapped her hands together happily.
"Theyre...yeah" he awkwardly smiled, checking them out.
They WERE quite pretty, if he was being honest.
"I need to hear you say it or else you aren't leaving this room." She narrowed her eyes at him.
"They're fabulous, as expected" he rolled his eyes, a smile playing at his lips.
"Thank you, you're free to go" she got up, and began to put all her equipment away.
She never heard a door open. She never heard him move.
So she turned around to find him lying down on her bed.
"What?" He was laughing
"Out! Get out of my room, your boy smell is hurting my perfume" she frantically pushed him.
She was only joking, of course, and Dude knew that.
"You love it really" he smirked victoriously, knowing that she wouldn't be able to push him off
"Dude i can't believe you! Get off-"

The gang had just got home.

They both suddenly went quiet, all laughter died down
The silence lasted a bit too long.
"Yknow i dont wanna not be best friends anymore" Dude spoke up
It slightly took Mimi by surprise.
"Me neither"

They both shared a smile. A smile that guaranteed they were best friends again, and nothing could stop them.

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