never enough.

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Im actually so sorry about this guys, I just want everyone to hurt
Common headcanon in use : Either Mimi or Dude are horrible
I'm sorry Dude and I'm very sorry to Mimi, whom I just don't want to be happy atp 😭😭

"Music isnt exactly your strong point"
"I dont want to play with you, you cheat"
"Im not going with you to get your claws done."

Never enough. Never.
No matter what she did. Mimi was never enough. She never had been. And she was so so done with pretending to be oksy with it.

"Dude i need to talk to you" he was playing a board game with Sprout, Candi, Misty and Bud.
"Im a bit busy Mimi, maybe another time?"
Another time never came. It never did. She wasnt excepting that excuse anymore.
"Bud can take over your whatever for the next turn. Its urgent." She narrowed her eyes.
"He said no, Mimi, go bother someone else" Misty piped up, rolling the dice and sending a vile smile towards the blonde.
"Misty." Dude shot back
There wasnt a threat in his voice.
"Dude its really importan-"
"Why cant you tell all of us?" Sprout interrupted.
"Because its Mimi-" "Because its private" she cut Misty off
"Excuse me i was talking"
"Oh so its fine when Sprout does it but not me?" Mimi scoffed, kicking her foot absently at the floor.
She wanted to curl up. She wanted the floor to eat her whole.
"Sprouts nice"
"Mimis nice, too"

The compliment took Mimi by surprise, honestly.
Maybe it was a sign, a good omen, telling her to go through with what she was there for.
Oh yes, she was confessing to Dude. Confessing that she wasnt in love with him. That she had only wanted to be good friends, and he had been interpreting it wrong.

"Thank you Dude" she smiled softly.
It was nice to know that someone had her back-
"Doesnt mean i love you" he reluctantly stood up, to finally have that private conversation.
"Thats actually what i wanted to speak to you about" she felt surprisingly on edge
"Mimi we've been over this i don't love you. I never have." He crossed his arms over his chest.
"Yes..okay but-"
"No. Its a no."

She bit her lip to wrestle back her anger from spilling out her mouth.

"You're not my type anyway" he sighed before placing himself back down on the floor.
Bud hesitantly looked up at Mimi.
He had known, of course, he had been in a very similar situation.
"Oh yeah? Whats your type" her nose scrunched up.
Why had she asked? She knew it would only hurt her more.
"Someone who's not" he hadnt meant it as an insult, he was only being honest.

Never good enough. Not even good enough to be listened to. Her teeth clamped down so hard on her lip that she drew blood.
Dark, envious, malevolent rubies.
She couldn't take it for much longer.

"You're a fucking joke." She spat out, turning on her heel to head back to her room.
She had never swore in Candis presence before. She had hoped that she hadn't taken it personally, none of this was Candis fault, after all.

She ignore the angry yelling from Dude, the upset lecturing from Bud and the straight up insults fired out of Mistys mouth in favour of slamming the door and turning her music on. Full blast. To block everyone out.

It was so hard to be never enough. So hard to try and blend in with the gang with masking happiness.

It took her a few hours for her to calm down, after a much needed diary entry, and a treat of doing her nails and hair all pretty for herself.

Of course, as soon as she finds peace, someone knocks on her door.
"Yes?" Her voice was buttery sweet, like earlier hadn't even happened.
"Its Sprout..Bud wants you to come downstairs" his voice was quiet and uneven, a voice she had learnt to care for.
Even Sprout, someone who she saw as a younger brother, was worth more than her.
"He couldnt ask me himself?"
She didnt have a bone to pick with him, there was no point adding any angry tone to her already slightly agitated voice.
"He's getting everyone else"
Mimi nodded to herself slowly before telling Sprout that she'd be down in a second.

Maybe it was an impromptu movie night? Although that didnt seem like Bud, he hated things that arent on the schedule.
She shrugged off her curiosity and practically ran downstairs, a beaming smile painted on her face.

Why was everyone staring at her?
She cleared her throat, "what?"

"An apology?" Dude.

"For what?" She scoffed.

"For everything, Mimi, you cant just go around acting like we're nothing but pawns in one big game of chess" his eyes hardened.

"Oh you are joking arent you"

"Right. Guys. Im so so sorry for that time i saved you all in space, for Candis birthday that you ALL - apart from Sprout, forgot days before, where i had to remind you. I'm so sorry for when i agreed to stand on a ladder for hours, pretending to be a Basketball hoop whilst YOU, Dude, pelted balls at my face. I will never..ever be good enough for you, will i? No matter what i could do. It wouldnt be enough." She spat out through gritted teeth.

They all sat in silence before Misty spoke up, clearly trying ro start a fight.
"Oh you are dramatic. You cant just pull the victim card whenever you need to apologize for your actions"

"I never get a thank you. Not from any of you. Do i even exist to you guys? Or am i just someone random that you need every now and again when youre struggling? Im so sick of you all disregarding me."

"Oh be for real-"
"Misty, shut up" Sprout quipped.

They all looked hurt.

"And then whenever i get angry about being treated like a kids toy, you all apologize and suck up to me for a few hours and then its back to normal. There is only ONE person here who doesnt deserve to hear this and thats Candi." She laughed.

Upon the tension brewing in the room, Mimi headed back to her room.
She didnt bother locking the door. None of them would dare to try and bother her whilst she was like this.
She sat down, cross-legged on her bed and began adding to her previous diary entry.

She had heard the door open around a minute ago. Whoever it was hadnt moved, almost like they were studying her.
She wouldnt speak to them anyway, not one of them was worth it.
She always took a little vow of silence whenever this had happened.

"Mimi, can i hug you?" A quaint delicate voice whispered from the doorway.
Her vow of silence was broken, Candi didnt deserve this.
She sighed and sniffled, a quiet 'yes' only just made it to Candis ears.
She shuffled forwards and sat on the bed just to the side of the almost crying blondie.

As she wrapped her arms gently around her, she felt Mimi relax in her grasp.
"Im sorry you feel like always here if youd like to talk to me" she offered, not letting go.
"Oh Candi, its not your fault at all. Youre the only one it wasnt aimed at"
"I know, but theres things I couldve done to ease it"

"Thank you Candi" Mimi whispered, smiling sadly at the usually-bubbly, happy-go-lucky girl
"No..thank YOU, Mimi" she smiled back

They stayed like that for a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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