the begining :)

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alr lets start

so first of all please expect typos cause i got cursed with a spelling mistake 

Everyone calls me vicky (my irl bestie calls me bicky) 

i am 13 my birthday is februaury 19 ignore the fact that i dont know how to spell my own birth month. 

i am a pisces and i am bisexual. i am adopted because my biological parenst are alocholuc, druggies, and whores plus more. 

i am literally not funny irl i am actually very introverted unless people get on my nerves than i say shit. i can get very annoyed sometimes and i am very picky 

i hate anyone my closest people hate. i am very sensitive but i also sometimes dont like showing emotions.  

i am in 8th grade and i am very stupid but smart and i have to drink concentration pills. 

when i wanna vent please DONT REPORT ME CAUSE THAT CAN RUIN MY MOOD 

and yea thats some of it 

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