Chapter One

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dear diary:

Today I walked the hallway of the school and prettiest girl complimented me. Maybe that is because I am the coolest and most popular kid in school

                                                                                                  Until next time,
                                                                                                                               Boba Cins


"Okay this is a pretty simple question," Y/n said as she pointed to the equation. "5n - 2 = 6n + 3."

"What?" Mudvirce looked blankly at the paper. "That's simple?"

"It's 9th grade math, Anderson."

"Well there's a reason I got a D- in math that year."

Y/n sighed. This was harder than she had thought. She's used to tutoring students that are in the same grade that know the math they learned two years ago. But Mudvirce was different. Not in a good way.

Y/n learned that he had skipped out most classes over the past few years to practice his bass skills and "calm down" in the bathroom.

"You should come see us. We're pretty sick," He boasted, leaning back on his chair and pushing off the table with his feet, which landed him on the floor with a busted tailbone.

"I told you this is not anything personal," Y/n said flatly. "I'm not going to see your band."

"Come on, you might enjoy yourself!" Mudvirce crawled back into his seat. "There's music, booze, weed-"

"You're 17! There's no need for that!" Y/n stood and put her hands on the table. One of her pet peeves is young people doing drugs before the legal age. She never saw the point. What makes it cool?

"Whatever. We're playing in my basement tonight. You should come see us," Mudvirce wrote down an address on the corner of his notebook paper, tore it off, and handed it to Y/n.

"Maybe if you payed attention, you'd actually know this," Y/n snarled. Mudvirce rolled his eyes.

The bell trilled outside the library.

"Ok, well, same time tomorrow?" Y/n slammed her book shut and stood. Mudvirce nodded. "Good. Practice those equations. Google it if you have to. You need to know them if you want to progress," She said before walking out to her next class.


Y/n sped down the hallway as soon as the final bell rang. She needed to get home as soon as she could to get her homework done and work. She was looking down at her phone, checking her messages when she ran into someone.

Like a movie scene Y/n fell backward and lost her grip on her phone and book, and they were flung across the hall; the bookmark in her novel came loose. "No!" She cried.

Y/n looked up and noticed the person she ran into was Boba Cins: top guy in the school. He had a reputation of being cocky. 

"I'm sorry," Y/n quickly stood and dusted herself off. "I wasn't looking where I was going and-"

She stopped talking when she noticed Boba walk toward her book and kneel down beside it. He placed the bookmark back into the book and slid it along with her phone across the floor toward Y/n; she caught it.

"It's okay," Boba said. Y/n nodded and opened her bag to put her things away. "Anyway, cya." Boba then closes his locker and walks away. That was odd, Y/n thought. I thought he was gonna laugh at me or something. Most popular kids are like that.

As Y/n walked down the street, she noticed Mudvirce lugging a bass case and snare drum into a house. She stopped and pulled out the slip of paper she was given.; it was the same address.

"Hey, L/n!" Mudvirce waved, nearly dropping his bass. "Change your mind yet?"

"Oh, this the girl you were talking about?" A tall guy with long, curly brown hair turned to face Y/n. "Damn, she is hot."

"Shut it," Mudvirce whispered Hoarsely. "Anyway, show is at 8:30. I hope to see you, new kid!"

Y/n finished her walk and headed inside her house. She sighed and placed her bag on the floor. There was a note on the living room table:

Hey honey, I had to stop out and grab some groceries for tomorrow's dinner. We're having the neighbors down the block join us for a mini housewarming! Be back at 8 ish.


Y/n sighed again and went upstairs. Oh well. She hates when guests are over, but oh well. Nothing she can do about it.

"Might as well start on math," Y/n spoke to herself and turned on her PC, but she couldn't focus. Mudvirce and his show was on her mind. Sadly, she was curious. She'd never been to a show before, let alone a shitkid basement rock concert. What were they like? Would she actually enjoy herself?

Her gaze drifted to her closet. To her pairs of jeans, her dark shirts, her shoe collection. Maybe there is a way to make sure she's not recognized.

I realized I switched the POV from 1st to 3rd but I'm just gonna keep it this way. It's easier writing in 3rd and I'm too lazy to change the prologue lol.
                                                                                         ~ Riot

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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