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"YANG JUNGWON!" i yelled, making all the people in the hallway looking at me

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"YANG JUNGWON!" i yelled, making all the people in the hallway looking at me.

"huh yunjin!" he yelled back while waving.

he ran towards me and while being out of breath he tried to say, "did you have a good summer?" but said, "did you have— ugh" then just gave up.

i smiled and replied, "yes! did you?"

"yes!" he exclaimed.

"hurray for yunjin and jungwon!" i replied, giving jungwon a huge smile.

੭ৎ .

"class, listen up!"

i looked up from my desk and saw a new girl with glasses and long black hair just standing next to the teacher.

"she looks pretty." i whispered to jungwon who was sitting behind me.


i rolled my eyes and snapped my fingers infront of his eyes.

"already falling in-love with her?" i whispered again.

"oh hush!" whisper yelled jungwon while frowning his eyebrows.

i rolled my eyes and the teacher started talking again.

"her name is kim jueun and transferred here from abroad. respect her and be nice to her!", then pointed next to an empty spot, which happened to be next to jungwon.

"you may sit there."

then the new girl, jueun, started walking towards him. i could see everyone whispering to each other and admiring her. and even jungwon had fell for her already. i rolled my eyes once again and started to work on my homework.

"hi, nice to meet you!" i could hear jueun say.

"h-hi." stuttered jungwon. it was weird. jungwon usually never stuttered. i guess he really liked her. but why is my heart aching?

੭ৎ .

wonzones , 08/27/23 , 7:29 pm

wonzones , 08/27/23 , 7:29 pm

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