How I knew I Was A Therian!

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     I always knew there was something else in me. Something powerful. Another being, something great snd emense. The animal; a beast of the world. But was there others like me? I'd ask myself that same question; time and time again. As if it would never be answered. It wasn't for a long time. No answers. None. Not one peep out of a soul. Was I alone? The only "person" in this tiring world whom had another form? An animal inside them. No, I couldn't be the only.

     Everyone is different, but THAT different? Preposterous. There had to be more like me; I couldn't be alone. Shaelan: the only "person" in this world whom would run up the stairs on all fours, make animal noises to other animals, always feel a tail behind her? No, it couldn't be. That can't be! It doesn't even sound right. More. More "people" had to be with me, on my side of things. More with those animals inside them.

      But, returning to the subject of... "communication between species?" Yes. That. I would call to those cows beyong that fence long ago, making the "moo" sound they use. My mother had tried to call them; but the black and white creatures ran in fear of her. I copied her; as the young 4 year old I was; ofcourse I copied her, what would I have done otherwise? Sit in that hot car on the side of the road and hope she would get over her obsession of these large creatures? No. The sound of them came out clear: they ran over to the fence in excitement. My mother turned to me, flabbergasted. My father laughing. I never saw those cattle again.

     And then, later in life. About eight years old. Playing in the backyard of my godparents stepmother's house. Watching and mimicking the horses in the paddock next to the land. One horses neighed; so I responded with a neigh similar, short and deep. The horses turned to face me, neighing playfully. The horses and I played for awhile, until I heard the backdoor open; my godmother peeking her head out. I froze, she told me we were leaving, but I didn't want to leave the horses. I walked away, head down already missing the creatures. The horses watched me leave. I never saw the horses again.

     Not long ago; maybe nine years of age.  The trampoline was my entertainment for the day, finally getting some time to myself. Or so I thought. I stumbled trying to do a front flip, some how managing to hurt my wrist. A raven in a tree mocked me, cawing it's short, deep, somewhat stratchy noise. I repeated it, mocking the large bird back. Magically; the bird flew down onto the metal frame of the trampoline infront of me, I was on the opposite side of the raven. It made a laughing noise, cawing it's beautiful music. I laughed, cawing at the bird again. We went back and forth for awhile, before they flew off and left me a large feather. I picked the relic up, examining its beauty. I watched the bird fly away, it already posted itself on the very top of a dead tree far away. Still in sight. It was funny; the raven made me remember all the experiences at once. The similarities between them. The differences. I only felt a connection to the raven, funny enough. The bird haunted my dreams for months. I dreamt of being the bird. Feeling the feathers of my wings.  Swooping down and spearing pray with my talons.

     My birthday had come as it annually does. The day was amazing. I had gone to my favorite spot in the woods, since the trampoline had broken awhile before. I sat on the large stump. And there it was. The raven. It landed in a tree, watching me. The memories flooded my brain endlessly. The bird looked deeper Into the woods, it jumped at the sight of something. It looked at me horrified; and flew away. I looked where the bird had; and I ended up paralyzed. What looked like a Wendigo; walked toward me. I wasn't too afraid, but it grew as the wendigo came closer. Soon enough it was fully out of the dark woods, it being night. The hot breathe of the large creature swarmed me. I had slight control of my body.

     I reached out and touched the wendigo's blood stained buck skull. The wendigo didn't try to kill me as in folklore. It was kind, actually. As same to the raven, I felt connected to the beast. I closed my eyes and saw the wendigo in my head. The wendigo however, wasn't it. It was me. I was the wendigo. I felt at home. The wendigo's body feeling normal to me. I awoke. Opening my eyes to be met with the wendigo. It leaned into my hand, and then disappeared into the black. I jumped off that stump, and headed home. The raven stopped appearing in my dreams. The wendigo replaced it. But, after awhile, I never saw neither the raven, nor wendigo, again.

     I knew then. The raven was mine. The wendigo was mine. The hidden souls in me. I thought there was one? No. Two. I forgot about them for 3 years. How could you forget those experiences? They didn't come to my mind. Better. They didn't come to my mind. Twelve years old. Surfing YouTube on the TV. I find a "Therian Compilation"? What? What was a Therian? The word felt like nature all in one. Just hearing the word made my senses swarm to the forest. I watched it.

         There really were more of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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