The Hunt for Kafka

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"You have something on your mind - don't you, Bladie?" Kafka asked, leaning back in her seat as the Starskiff was being piloted remotely by Silver Wolf. Blade simply hummed in response, his eyes closed and arms crossed over his chest as he sat in his seat. "It's nothing," he replied simply. Kafka grinned, tilting her head to the side, "Doesn't seem like nothing. Are you anxious about the mission?" Blade shook his head no, letting out a light sigh. "It seriously is nothing, Kafka. It's just some dreams, that's all."

Kafka narrowed her eyes, wanting to learn more. "I didn't know you could still dream. You rarely speak of them." Blade looked up at her with an annoyed glance, "Of course I dream. What kind of comment is that?" he said with a snippy tone. Kafka let out a soft laugh, "I'm just trying to lighten the mood. Talk to me - I've missed you. What was in the dreams?" Blade scoffed, noticing his sword lying on the ground beside him. Kafka had managed to grab it from when he was arrested, keeping it safe until he could wield it once again. He picked it up and delicately dragged his fingers along the length of it. "It's of a woman."

This piqued Kafka's interest greatly. "It's always the same woman. She's in every dream of mine. It's almost as if we're connected in some way or another. We can hold conversations and remember previous ones, and pick up right where we left off as if she were real." Blade sighed when he saw his reflection in his sword. "I'm not used to such a sense of familiarity. It's beginning to feel... almost comforting, in a way," he added. "She visited me again last night. And for the first time, she told me her name. Y/n." Kafka could've sworn she saw Blade crack the faintest of a smile. "Aww... sweet little Bladie's got a crush," Kafka teased with a grin. Blade looked up and glared at her, "I do not have a crush on a woman from my dreams. Don't be ridiculous."

Kafka simply shrugged at him, her smile never leaving her lips. "I think it's sweet. You deserve some goodness when you sleep. I just assumed it was mostly memories and bad dreams." Blade scoffed, "It used to be. On the rare occasion I did not have a bad dream, there would always be someone there. I'm starting to think it might've been her there all along." Kafka let out a soft sigh, "That would certainly be interesting. Well, you said her name was Y/n, correct?" Blade nodded. "What does she look like? Perhaps I could speak with Elio, and find out more about this."

"I do not want the entire Hunters to know of my little dreamworld, Kafka. No," Blade said with a groan. Kafka crossed her arms, "Blade, you hardly get any genuine comfort these days. If this woman brings you the slightest bit of comfort, even if it's just while you sleep, I want to ensure you keep that. Just tell me about her. Who knows... maybe she's real?" she said to him. Blade rolled his eyes at the thought. A real woman that somehow was connected with his dreams? Yeah, right. "Sure. Let's say I humor this and she is real. Then what? I have to live with knowing she's out there somewhere and I have no idea where?" Kafka nodded, "Somewhat. Elio can help us locate her, certainly. So..." Kafka brought out her phone to write it down, "Speak up."

Blade grumbled, shaking his head as he laid the sword down beside him. "Fine." Blade began to describe Y/n. What she looked like, her hair, her eyes... even parts of her voice. Kafka couldn't help but smile seeing how much he remembered, and how gentle his voice sounded compared to normal. She wrote it all down and reminded herself to text Elio about this later. "I will speak to Elio about it once our job on the Luofu is finished, alright?" she said to Blade. He nodded, "As far as I'm concerned, it's not needed to be brought up to Elio. But fine." Blade crossed his arms, "Speaking of the mission... where do I fit into this?"

The Starskiff docked, and Kafka and Blade began to exit it, grabbing their few belongings. "Elio has foreseen it all. It won't fail. Just follow my lead. For now... I have to be captured by the Divination Commission. Tonight, you will know the signal. Once you see it, you will come to the center, and rescue me. That is where the next phase of our mission begins. I just need to ensure that Stelle understands what we're doing here." Blade looked at Kafka with an irritated glance, "You can't possibly be still hung up on that... creation of yours," he replied. Kafka felt almost offended as she looked back at Blade, "That 'creation' is more important than you understand. It is vital that everything goes absolutely according to his will." Blade raised his hands in defense. "Fine. I just hope this will go by smoothly."

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