Chapter 1: light my blunt

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I step outside to catch my breath and to spark up alone. It was getting stuffy in this house party I was in. My best friend Jayla wanted me to come to this party knowing damn well I'm the only black emo girl at a event like this. As it starts to get a little windy I decide to pop a squat and try to light my blunt but it just doesn't seem to want to act right. I start to regret my outfit choice of fishnets, rock revival booty shorts and a graphic tee when the wind starts blowing a bit harder.


I say to myself as I realize this blunt ain't finna light anytime soon. As I begin to stand up i look up and see a tall ass man.

"Need some help?" He ask me while looking down at me

"Fuck is you on?" I say while standing and backing myself away from him

"Calm down lil mama I was just trynna help you block the wind" he says while putting his hands in the air and taking a step back. All while his eyes look me up and down

"you could of asked me if I need help from a distance" I say while rolling my eyes and pushing past him.

"Learn to say excuse me first" he says while grabbing my waist stopping me from leaving

"what's your issue with boundaries" I say while turning around to get a good look at him. His eyes were almond shaped, he had long eyes lashes and a freshly done low cut. His bread was nicely shaped up along with a defined body and soft brown skin.

"you're supposed to let me know when you stop" he says while letting me go

"who even are you?" I say while looking him up and down

"who ever you want me to be" he says while taking a sip out of his cup still looking down at me

"Be so fucking for real" I say while crossing my arms together trying to pretend i don't have low iron and it's not cold.

"You can call me Jt" he says while taking off his jacket and putting it over me

"you can call me Aj" I say while putting my arms in the jacket

"We can smoke that blunt in my car sweetie and roll a couple more if you want" he says while grabs my hand and kisses it

"And what do you expect in return for all of this? I'm not interested in anything sexual" I say while pulling my hand away

"I just want you to sit there and look pretty" he says while moving my curly hair out of my face.

"fine, if that's all that where going to do" I say while breaking free from his gaze

"we gone fix that attitude of yours later but for right now I ain't trippin" he says while taking my hand

what the fuck am I doing I think to myself as we walk away from the party

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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