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"How soon can you start?"

Your eyes lit up.


The supervisor shook hands with you, saying that you could start tomorrow. The dress code was preppy and required some kind of polo with a tennis skirt. It was almost impossible for you to keep yourself from skipping out of the country club doors. You had done your research on the position, it was very tip friendly and a quick way to make money. Experience wasn't needed but since alcohol was involved, it seemed like your brief stint as a bartender would come in handy.

The supervisor had recommended a store to get your clothes from, which happened to be in the mall.

"Hi! Welcome in."

You looked around, not really having much to your name to buy up the whole store. That's why you were applying for jobs anyways. Rent wasn't going to pay itself and your car needed a full tank. It seemed smart to get things that you switch between during the week, like maybe three shirts and three skirts. You had seen that one girl on TikTok, Ayeaofficial. The way she dressed and presented herself got her good tips and attention.

You wanted the same.

"I guess I'll take these."

The clerk began to scan the items, beeping away without a second thought. You looked around the store, seeing more things you wanted to buy and get once you started to make some real money.

"This is cute."

She marveled at a specific skirt that you picked up. It looked like regular old plaid to you, even though the tag called it multicolor tartan. Green, red, and gold stripes were all over it. The length was delightfully misleading, inches away from being inappropriate while also being short enough to get past dress code.


The receipt was in the bag and soon you were on your way.


The country club opened at 9, while the golf course opened at 9:30.

That meant you had to be on the road by 8:30, especially since you lived like twenty to thirty minutes away. Being a bev cart girl was basically an open market, anybody could do it. Ayea in her videos gave you the courage to try it out, especially because she said that Black girls had the ability to make bank there. White guys frequent these areas and are used to White girls working the carts. Being different and unique separates you from the pack, bringing you more customers then most.

Your brakes squeaked a little once you pulled up, parking in some random spot. There was a little dust from outside on your skirt and you swept it from your lap before walking inside.


A blonde girl in a similar getup stepped forward to greet you once you were inside. Her hair was pulled back with a visor covering it and she had a clipboard in hand.

You made sure to switch on your extra chipper attitude, wanting to match her energy and give a good first impression.

"Hi! Nice to meet you! Good morning."

It seemed to work like a charm, her eyes traveling down your outfit in content.

"Good morning. Can I see your driver's license and ID, please?"

You had them ready.


She smiled before switching away to a nearby office.

"I'll be right back."

You looked around as you waited, taking in the lobby and fancy art on the walls. The sprinklers were on outside and the smell of fresh cut grass was strong. They had refreshments nearby, probably for the members. It was hard for you not to creep over and sneak a donut.

ORANGE JUICEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora