*The phone rings*

"Hey girl!" Cam answers

It's Maynard.

"Hey Cam there's supposed to be a college party and I told the person I would go but-" Maynard hesitated

"I don't really want to go and I'd be way more fun if you went with me." She says quickly

"Maynard, it's literally pouring outside and Ren and I are having a movie night."

"Please, Cameron!"

"Okay, fine I'll ask Ren if he wants to go too."

"Thank you! Thank you! God is gon bless you! Love you, bye!"

*Jamie's POV*

"Max where did you say this party was supposed to be again?!" Jamie yells across the hall

"Um, some random fraternity house that they have off campus. "This dress or this dress?"

Jaime points to the one in Max's left hand. "Would you at least try to look decent for this party. There might be some nice girls you can hook up with." Max says in a enthusiastic tone.

"Oh and also do you mind calling me by she/her tonight?" "Yea, no problem. I'm gonna go change into something more decent you happy?"

"Yes very, now be back down here in at least twenty minutes."

"Okay!" Jaime goes back to her apartment and frantically goes to her closet. She hasn't been to a party in a while but she doesn't really want to go. She puts on her favorite letterman and runs to Max's apartment.

"You look HOT!"

"Why, thank you Max. We're taking my car, you ready to go?"

"Yay!!! I get to be your passenger princess!"

Jamie laughs at Max's excitement.

*Cameron's POV*
"Hey babe, I just got off the phone with May and she wants us to go with her to this party. You feel like going?"

"Yea I'm down, anything to see you in a dress." Ren smirked and Cam blushed

"Alright, let's do it!"

They do their cute couple handshake that includes a fist bump, clap of the hands and them kissing each other's pinkies."

Cameron goes to their bathroom and starts applying her essential skin prep before her makeup routine.

"Hey baby do you mind if I show a little skin?"

"Cam I don't care if you wear a snow suit, all I know is I'm taking it off tonight after the party." Ren says as he comes behind Cameron, wraps his arms around her waist, and kisses her neck.

"You're blushing baby." He whispers

"Hmm...I wonder why, Ren."

Ren walks in their shared bedroom and looks through their walk in closet to see what outfit will have it's lucky debut tonight.

Cameron then walks into the bedroom and looks at the dress side of her side of the closet. When she finds a dress she puts on her "Pink Friday" perfume and puts on the necklace that Ren got her. It says " Love you infinity."

Ren walks out to the living room waiting for Cam. "How do I look?"

"Mhmm...you look scrumptious, DAMN! Are you my girlfriend? Are you MY ACTUAL GIRLFRIEND?!"

"Yes Ren, yes I am." She whispers seductively into his ear

"I refuse to believe that I pulled someone as beautiful as you!"

Ren takes Cam's hand twirls her around and kisses her passionately.

"I love you beautiful."

"I love you too."

*Maynard's POV*
"Damnit I'm late!"

Maynard spritz her perfume on and runs out the door as her white heel boots clicked and clanked down the bridge to Ren and Cam's apartment.

*Cameron's POV*
*ding dong*

Cameron walks to the door and opens it. "YOU LOOK BANG WORTHY!" "Careful don't let your boyfriend hear that."

They both laugh. Ren comes in the living room where Cam and May are.

"You look good Maynard!" "Doesn't she?"

"Thanks Ren!" "You don't look too bad yourself."

"Thanks for letting me ride with y'all."

*Outside of the party*

*Max's POV*

"Everybody and their mom is out here!"

"Yea so let's go." Jaime tugs on Max's arm wanting to go the opposite way of the party.

"Jamie it'll be fun I promise!" Jamie surrenders and they walk inside the house.

"Ooo see there's a cute girl over there!" "Max I'm not here to just pick out a girl in the crowd and hook up with her."

"Well if not that just live a little." Max goes and grabs herself a drink.

Usually Jamie is the hype person and a talkative person at parties but she wasn't feeling it today.

She sat down in a secluded corner drinking from a red SOLO cup.

*Cameron's POV*
"Okay, Maynard this party is bumpin' maybe we might actually have fun!"

"Me and Ren are gonna go where the drinks are okay, you're gonna be good by yourself?"

"Yea I'll be fine, go have fun!" May laughed to herself

Maynard looked around seeing all the couples dancing together. Sometimes she wishes that was her, laughing and just enjoying her significant other's company.

Maynard grabs some of the alcoholic punch from the punch bowl and sits in a more quiet area.

*Jamie's POV*
"Where the hell is Max?" Jaime looks around

She finds her and sees that Max is dancing with some of her other friends. Jaime decides to leave her alone because she looks like she's having fun.

Jaime goes to sit in the corner she was sitting in before when someone dancing pushed her, she tripped and spilled her drink all over...Maynard.
A/N: I was definitely struggling on how to write this chapter but I think it's an alright chapter. I hope you have an amazing day and if you don't there's always tomorrow!

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