Chapter 7

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“So, uhm..” There was an awkward silence between both of us. “By the way, tell your hyungs that they are doing great and we, I mean Army, are loving it. Fighting!” I pass him my best smile.

“What about me?” A smile was visible on his face.

“You're doing amazing. Loving everything you are doing.” I show him a thumbs up. “Though, you're driving everyone insane by CK X JK.” Now his ears were crimson pink.

“You like rains?” He asked for diverting the attention to another topic from him.

“Of course, I love them. What about you?”

“I too love rains.” He smile and gaze out of the glass pane doors that led to the balcony.

“Rain gives comfort. The pattering sound, the dark clouds hovering over our heads covering us. The slight smell of the soil and those small yet calming cold drops falling on us. It's the best time of the year when it rains.” I sigh and join him in gazing out.

“Quite poetic.” He looks at me while I didn't move my eyes from the scenery outside. I chuckle in a response and nod quietly.

“I like to write poems and novels. It's my hobby.”

“You're really like Namjoon hyung, calm, poetic, wise, mysterious. The calmness you hold makes me uncomfortable sort of that how can be someone so calm.” I chuckle at his uneasiness.

“All right, but what made you think that I am mysterious?”

“I can see, in your eyes..” Our gazes lock with each other, “...They are deep holding so much inside them. The calmness in your voice, just as I said, is trying suppress so many things that you don't want to reveal, that you don't want anyone to know.”

We sat there in silence, he is really good at reading people or am I too transparent? He told everything which no one did from past few years. How can he say it all confidently? How can he say it like he knows me from eternities?

I lower my gaze and look out again as I felt my cheeks burning a bit. My cheeks were probably red. I or my eyes could hold on but my face said it all. 

“I would like to know you more or we can say I would like you to be my friend.” I shook my head instantly at his remark.

“No way, it's neither good for you nor me. It's better if we part our ways later. Back to our normal lives. Also...” I took a pause arguing with my thoughts to whether say it or not, “your girlfriend wouldn't also like it.”

His face suddenly drop and he relieved a big sigh, “She isn't my..”

“No, you don't need to complete it. I know that it's all a public stunt but either real or fake, she is your girlfriend. And you're the Jeon jungkook, every girl likes you and maybe she do's the same.”

“But that's totally against my will. I don't like her. I am just forced in it.”

“Well that's right. But don't worry everything will be alright in sometime.”

“Hope so but the amount of hate we are getting is too much.”

“Your company must have thought that but everything is working according to them. Their group's new song's views reached the sky over night.”

Suddenly he phone rang, grabbing our attention. “Name of the devil and devil's here.” I mumble and he displays his bunny smile.

“It's not a devil,” He glances at his phone “It's a cat-angel.”


“Yeah, hyung.” He picks the call. “Oh!” His face suddenly fell and he nodded, “Sure I will send you.”

“Everything alright?” I ask as he cut the call.

“Nope,” He shook his head, “I promised Yoongi hyung that we will spend some time together before he enlist and it was today. I just forgot because of the hustle going on. He was really worried about me when I didn't appear at his place and you may know his relation with rain.” I nod at him.

“Can you tell me here's address? He will come to pick me.”


“See you later, uh, you didn't tell me your name.” I chuckle at the cute face he made.

“Kim Nari.”

“I hope we can meet again Nari.” He smile at me.

“If the destiny is with you Jeon. We will meet again, under this same, rain.”

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