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Maybe when we cry, it's because we need our windows clean.

Maybe we need to wash out them once in a while, so we can be clearer on the thing we cried for.

" How many times can the same thing break our hearts?  These keep on my mind.

And I answered it.  " I think, as long as you loved that person, you could break yourself again and again."

All my life, I had never been genuinely happy. Yes, my siblings were always there to make me happy, the feeling of comfort even without our wings. They me feel that I can count on them. But, how about those wings? Were they not regret making moves without our will? Those wings bring us into this world.

My both wings were separated long ago and those wings are our PARENTS. I missed our wings, especially having a complete family.

And I already wish them both to have a happy and wonderful path they had chosen. Even without us.

It's been years since they broke. And We're still healing from their cut.

I hope that one day we can move forward. Because we can't be fragile, l believe that we need gatha ever to complete.

I remind them that it's okay. Everything will be set in their place. The world can wait.

And when that time comes, We will applaud our inner child for going through it.  I believe we only live once. Cherish the life that God is giving you. We learn and must move forward for the betterment of our future.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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