One Thing A Day

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Im here to help. No matter what.

So many people, including myself, have problems with life and we need help.



Sleeping disorders.

Eating disorders.



Abused. Mentally or physically.

Family problems.


I know you need and want help. So I brought One Thing A Day.

I will do my best to make a new chapter every day. Probably short since its different every day. I will make chapters about different topics. There will be parts of the topics. I might make it sectioned to make it easier to find what you look for.

Just know you can trust me. I will be there. If I do not reply, then I am very sorry. I might be busy. Just know that I always answer a fast reply. No matter what I might be doing, you are very important.

I have my discord, always and you can text me in the private messages on wattpad. I also have the community page on my profile.

The discord server: One Thing A Day 💕

The discord server link:

My Account:

Add me or join the server!!

Any request I will do if it is not against what I do and if it is appropriate.

I have suggestions to get through your day:

ASMR audios:
--You can use find them on YouTube and Spotify!
--For YouTube, I recommend Anigomi audios, but if you find others, it's great too!
--For Spotify, I recommend XlistenerX podcast, it's runner by Jimmy and they are very friendly! There are lots of others too, so you can just search any character or what you want there.

YouTube Link:
Spotify Link:

I have random playlists too if you want to listen!
My Spotify:

--Just listen to music that you love and makes you feel better!
--I recommend to not listen to sad songs because it makes your mood go down more. But if you want you can still listen! Just know you are worth a lot.
--I will always put music in these chapters to listen to while you read! I mostly put music boxes.

Do something:

--Draw or craft! Do what you like and whatever your bobby's are!
--Go outside for a walk, or just go outside for fresh air and play!

Talk to a trusted person or a support animal:
--Talk to someone you trust, anyone you can share your feelings and thoughts. Someone who will comfort and listen to you, and won't say anything to anyone. Not a school counselor. Not any adult from school. They say everything when they say they won't. Trust me on that.
--If you have a pet, talk to them! Animals are great for support. ❤
--I am available too. I promise you I don't judge. I will share to you. You can say what you want and vent, I'll be there for you. My discord and my server link are up but I'll put them again.

My discord account: Waitingfor_shrek5#6718
My discord server:

I hope this helped you today and hope you will come back tomorrow!

I hope to see you talk to me and each time, I hope to see you getting happier! ❤  There is no rush in things. ❤

Have a good day or night everyone, stay safe!! You matter! 🌸💕

Have a good day or night everyone, stay safe!! You matter! 🌸💕

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