Depression 1 of 5

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I will start with the basic one.


I understand you, and I hope you will get better. I understand it's hard to get out of.. But I'm here for you. You don't need to worry.

Depression can lead to very hurtful things. Much like Self Harm and suicide... Please don't do it. It's not good for you, and you're not alone. You're worth more than you think and you need to tell yourself this everyday. I understand the pain. It's so hard, that it ends up with you being numb in the end.

I will always be here for you..

Some things that may help you are ASMR audios or talking about it, to a trusted person or a emotional support animal. I am always here too.

Just don't give up.

I have seen lots of people who just gave up. It hurt me just knowing, and I didn't even know who they were or even their names. Please don't let your depression get the upper hand. You have control on what you do. You are capable of doing anything.

I know it's hard to do, I get it

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I know it's hard to do, I get it. But even when you think there is nothing left for you and you will be better gone, just know it isn't true. So many people care. Even if it's people you don't know. We care for everyone of you.

I can't tell how deep you are in this... And I really hope I can help you. I hope to see that you are happier and cured. I really want you to be happy and live your life. Like they say, yolo, lol. 💕🌸

If you can't believe that people care, then rethink it. Have second thoughts. You are so much more than you think you are. So many people love you. They wish for your happiness and health.

No matter what, someone will always be there for you. Waiting for you to come to them, so you can deal with the pain together.

It will be hard

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It will be hard.. But I know you can do it.. I believe in you! You are wonderful and don't let anyone say so otherwise! 💕

You are perfect and don't forget it! You are so amazing!

I know these may be short chapters, but I really hope these help you. I am always here for you. Have a good day or night!

Until tomorrow, loves. ❤


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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