Chapter <2>

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It's been weeks since I started joining the meetings, the tapestry of connection I wove with Onika, Dalane, and Saditi grew more intricate

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It's been weeks since I started joining the meetings, the tapestry of connection I wove with Onika, Dalane, and Saditi grew more intricate. Me and Onika became good friends over time she's a really sweet person and hides her trauma well.

As my shared journey through the meetings continued, new faces emerged like stars appearing in the night sky, each one full of stories and conversations that could fill entire galaxies. They spun words that wrapped around my mind, a celestial dance of voices that left my head spinning and perhaps more, of liberation from our past entanglements.

I learned dalane snorted coke, got hooked onto it from his ex in college where saditi never had a addiction she was just depressed and smoked weed or drunk here and there.

Her parents being the rich assholes they where forced her to go to rehab when she graduated highschool and she only still attends the meetings because they help her when she's down.

Me and my daughter was currently getting ready to celebrate everybody being a month or more clean, the whole entire meeting group were going to an amusement Park today.

I already got my daughter dressed and pretty for today events but she was currently just waiting for me.

In the quiet cocoon of my room, bathed in the gentle glow of dawn's embrace, my daughter Anora graced the edge of my bed like a delicate blossom, her words as sweet as nectar.

"Mommy, you look so pretty," she whispered with tenderness in her voice akin to the soft caress of petals against skin. My lips met her nose in a kiss of gratitude, a brief moment of connection akin to the ephemeral dance of butterflies in a sunlit glade. With an smile, she observed as I finished getting dressed.

It was a comfortable silence between us as she hummed and sucked her lollipop.

And then, Michael swept into the room......

A arctic chill followed him, he sucked the cool air out of any room he joined making it cold and leaving kids crying.

A numbing cold leaving us shivering in the wake of his entrance. It was a phenomena reminiscent of an eclipse, where light becomes shadow, and a once welcoming room transforms into an alien landscape.

Knowing the discomfort that came from him, a knowledge acquired through trials and tribulations, I ensured that my daughter and myself remained unscathed.

Anora being the smartest five year would you would ever know settled into a position that he likes, her limbs folded into a lotus like arrangement, tucking the candy into her pants in hopes he doesn't see it.

She slickly throws the candy wrapped behind the bed and having me make a mental note to discord all the trash before he notices.

Micheal didn't like her eating candy, says it rottens the brain like it rottens the teeth but she was a child so I still fed her candy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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