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— "Its a two (2) meters width with three (3) meters thickness, but with a rope, any of us three (3) can jump it" — Emma reasoned, jumping on a branch along the way, keeping an eye to see if mom would show up or they would be caught by any other kid who were curious on why the trio (3) was there

— "So we need to explore some more of it still" — Norman added, just as Emma jumped down from the branch

— "We don't need to look too much, and we still should be careful if Mom find out that we know the secret" — Ray added too, looking at Norman expectantly

— "So we need to make plans" — Ray said, grabbing a fallen wig and started to sketch the whole house in the dry mud it had near them

— "We need to cut the most of the kids we are taking for survival chance, so If we count just-" — Emma cut short Ray reasoning

— "We're taking everyone." — Her voice sounded extremily on edge, and both of the boys knew that she wouldn't budge on her decision

Ray sighed, annoyed at this, somewhat, expected obstacle of his best friend

— "Look, Emma, we need to-" — Andddd he was just cut short again by Emma

— "We WILL take everyone Ray! You can't make me change my mind! Deal with me!" — She yelled, pouting at her best friend, while crossing her arms in denial of his statement

— "Your impossible" — He grunted, looking at Norman, Ray looked for support

— "Norman! Keep her on a short leash! Or she will just kill us all!" — Emma on other hand, started to annoy the shit out of Ray, while kept on rambling out loud and proudly that she would take everyone with her and he had to watch it

The duo (2) who was fighting, stopped when they heard a laughter get out on their argument

They both (2) looked at Norman, who was laughing uncontrollably at his best friends fighting, his laughter came to a ending for a second before his saying

— "Ray, Emma, please, don't ever change" — Norman said with laughter filling his lungs, escaping from his mouth with a happy smile

Emma and Ray were stunned about the revelation of their best friend, but soon to join the laughing at the dumb things

But soon, their happy moment was cut off with some of bell rings from the house, Emma knew exactly what was that to be and to why the bell ringed before the normal time-set, it wasn't even cold or dark outside

— "C'mon guys! Let's go see what is it" — The girl said jumpily, smiling as going back to the house before the two boys

The two (2) interlocked their vision to one and another, thinking about the same thin

'That's not our Emma'

Some days (16/10/45) had passed away, as Emma predicted, Mama was making the older kids work on organizing the new room for Sister Krone to say at the house, but still

Why was Krone coming to the House?

Emma had 100% of assurance that Mama didn't knew the kids knew the secret, but still

Why was Sister Krone coming here?

All she had to do now was make sure that creep and frightening woman cant get suspicious about their actions and make sure that she won with Norman and Ray next time on the tag Krone would probably start

It was just a matter of time.

The door in thr front was swung open by a tan hand, a tall woman, approximately 1,75cm came into the room accompanied by Mama Isabella with her 1,70cm, In her arms, there was a newborn and the tan skinned woman by her side had a creepy smile it always send down chills on the kids spine

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