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Context: Daisy takes care of Y/N when she's tired after a mission.

Having finished preparing the two sandwiches, Daisy poured the boiling water from the kettle, which belonged to Simmons, into a cup. Inside, a green tea teabag waited for the liquid to release its flavor. She added two teaspoons of honey, just as Y/N liked, and grabbed everything, leaving the mess she had made in the kitchen for when she came back in a few minutes.

Y/N was an admirably lazy person. You could always find her napping in the most impossible places, which, if she was being honest, Daisy envied a little. She needed more sleep than most, so big missions, like the one they had just come back from, took a big toll on her.

Y/N's sleepiness had made Daisy's nights so much better. She now slept through the night most times, but even when she couldn't, having her girlfriend sleeping safe and soundly in her arms meant she had a good night anyway.

Back in their bunk, which was where Daisy was headed, Y/N slept despite it being five in the afternoon. She was having what Daisy had labeled a "recharge day", in which her girlfriend, sometimes planned, sometimes spontaneous, like this one, slept for a whole day—sometimes more—straight. During these, Daisy made sure Y/N stayed hydrated and fed.

Despite Y/N trying to deny she was tired, Daisy knew this was coming, so she had planned ahead. As she entered the hallway that led to the bunk, she left the noise of the base behind, having cleared the area of all non-essential personnel so her girlfriend could sleep in silence.

Making sure to be gentle with the door, Daisy went inside the room. Her steps were soft, and her pace was slow. Y/N was curled up, hugging Daisy's pillow, with her messy hair all over her face and her lips slightly apart. The image caused Daisy to smile as she walked up to the nightstand and placed the food on it. She then sat down on the bed, and without daring to blink to not miss it, she whispered:

"Hi, gorgeous".

She knew it wouldn't be enough to wake Y/N up, but that's not why she had done it. The reason was simple, really. Every time Daisy spoke while Y/N was asleep, her lips curved ever so slightly at the sound of her girlfriend's voice, and there was nothing that the brunette loved seeing more.

After giving herself a few seconds to enjoy the view, Daisy approached her girlfriend and removed a flock of hair from her face, putting it behind her ear, which interrupted her sleep. Y/N hated being woken up, but when her eyes opened and she saw Daisy, the only thing she could feel was love swarming her chest. Though she didn't acknowledge it, the smell of the sandwiches hit her as soon as her eyes opened, making her stomach growl with hunger.

"Daisy!" she said in a raspy voice, moving to ease the stiffness in her limbs.

Daisy's heart beat a little bit faster. She liked her name, but it never sounded as beautiful as when it came out of Y/N's lips.

"Hey! I brought you some food," she said softly.

"Food?" Y/N asked, confused, looking around until she found her phone under the pillow she was hugging. As she saw the time, her eyes opened widely. "Shit. I slept the whole day?"

Daisy couldn't help but giggle, as Y/N didn't remember the two times she had already awakened her to drink some water.

"Yes. I told you you needed a recharge," she said with a grin, loving being right.

"I had a meeting with Coulson today. He's gonna have my head!" She covered her face with her hands for a second, then moved to get up.

Daisy stopped her, grabbing her by the arm. "Don't worry, I rescheduled the meeting for tomorrow".

Y/N's eyes lit up "You did?".

"Yes. He's not mad, though I'd definitely consider buying him a box of donuts if I were you". She pointed to the desk in front of the bed with her head, where a box of fresh donuts rested.

"Thank you," said Y/N as she smiled, but her eyes opened once more a second later, this time filled with fear. "I also had training with May."

"I sorted that out too."

"Mario Kart with Fitz?"

"I had to play with him to stop his rant, but yes." Her thumb started caressing the back of Y/N's hand. "Don't worry, I took care of everything."

See? I told you she had planned ahead.

Y/N looked at Daisy with a dumb smile on her face before pulling her by the arm to kiss her.

While they kissed, her brain finally assimilated the smell of the food. "Mmm," she muttered into Daisy's lips, "what smells so good?"

The brunette reached to grab the meal. She gave Y/N the plate but held onto the cup. "Nothing fancy. Just sandwiches and some tea."

Y/N examined the first sandwich before giving it a bite. The cheesy taste made her stomach growl even harder than before. "Oh god, I didn't know I was so hungry!" she said as she took a bigger bite, causing Daisy to giggle once again.

Daisy gave Y/N the cup, and she hugged it close to her chest, which she always did when she was drinking something hot.

Once Y/N finished eating, and having made sure her girlfriend was full and didn't need anything else, Daisy helped her inside the blankets again, tucked her in, and kissed her forehead. "Go back to sleep now," she whispered, but as she took the first step towards the door, Y/N's hand on hers stopped her from moving any further.

"Are you needed anywhere?" asked Y/N.

Daisy shook her head, knowing what Y/N would ask. She had taken care of that too. "My schedule's clear."

"Stay with me?" Y/N begged, but she didn't have to. As soon as she said the words, Daisy left the dirty dishes on the desk and got under the blankets with her.

"You don't have to ask twice," she replied as Y/N made herself comfortable on her chest.

As Y/N's arms wrapped around Daisy's waist and both of them sighed with pleasure, the brunette thought of the mess in the kitchen and how it'd have to stay like that for the next few hours.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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