009, group meeting, again.

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lilia had started the commotion with chandler and lori was still pissed off, she went to talk to carl "hey, carl..." lilia sat criss cross beside carl. "hi." carl replied with a worried expression on his face. "sorry about chandler i didn't want him to hurt you. you mean so much to me and no one was going to get in the way of that." lily said very apologetic. "i'm not mad at you, i wanted to kill him to he was annoying to be completely honest with you." carl said still with that sad expression.

"so why do you have that sad face?" lilia asked. "because i noticed my mom doesn't like me." carl said a tear running down his face. lilia wiped the tear off his face with the pad of her thumb and gave him a hug. "why would you say that?" lilia asked. "she always puts her needs before anyone else." carl replied another tear running down his face. lilia liked carl, platonically obviously but she did like him right when she met him. she just didn't admit it.

"hon' their having another group meeting today." daryl said rolling his eyes. "ugh, why?" lilia asked "me."

"yeah, but nothing is going to happen to you lily, not on my watch" daryl said with a small smile. "thanks daryl. it means a lot." she said grasping his hand and walking to the house.

"okay, we are coming together for this meeting to talk about someone i will not name." rick said. "jeez just say my name, we all know it's me" lilia muttered. "lilia. cmon." hershel whispered nudging her. "anyhow, does anyone have anything to say? we are all ears." rick continued. "i think we should kick out the person we won't name" lori said rolling her eyes. "we ain't kickin lily out because of your egotistical ass!" daryl raised his voice not noticing he said lily. "daryl please, does anyone else agree with lori?" rick asked already knowing the answer. "hell no." glenn blurted out. "she's a kid who is always doing the right thing people don't have the balls to say." he finished. "does everyone agree?" rick said.

"yep." every single person except lori said. lilia let out a snicker.

lilia walked outside and sat beside the same tree she always did. she smiled at everyone having her back. she thought people were mad at her but they weren't clearly and obviously glenny stuck up for her. "hi love." maggie said. her and lilia had not talked in a while, she obviously cared about chandler but he hurt a kid 8 years younger then him. "hey mags." lilia said. "mags?" maggie asked "glenn told me your calling him glenny." lily laughed. "everyone has a nickname for me, daryl is hon' and lily hershel is sweetheart yours in love glenn is kiddo and sophia's was bestie." lilia said dropping her smile. she really missed sophia, maggie ruffled her hair and walked off.

'good talk' lilia muttered.

it was that night and it had been a while since they had joined the farm. carl snuck out and came back. "hey lily, you don't know why carl left do you?" rick asked sitting beside her in the room she was sharing with beth. "no, he didn't tell me anything." lilia said continuing to color on her horror movie coloring book. "whatcha coloring?" rick asked moving closer to her. "my scary movie coloring book" she said with a smile. "you like that stuff?" rick asked. "yes i love all the scary movies" she said. "carl was never aloud to watch that stuff, that's maybe why you are fearless and he isn't" rick said nudging her making them both laugh. "thanks lils." rick said. "help me up" lilia laughed and helped him up. "hey rick." lilia said, "yes?" rick replied. "can you um, not call me lils." teagan said. "it's what my dad always called me." rick grabbed her hand. "sorry baby." he said walking off.

around an hour later daryl jogged in. "hon' come er" he said slightly out of breath. lilia got up, he picked her up. he ran outside. this reminded lilia of when her dad picked her up not long ago. she didn't have much time to think whenever daryl made her look at his chest. "what happened" lilia asked, "let me down!" she got down and walked over to dale he had a walker dead next to him everyone was crying and rick was pointing a gun at his head. he clearly couldn't do it. "give it here." lilia said, rick was to frail to argue he just gave it to her. daryl walked over not wanting her to do it. lilia started to cry. "sorry dale." she said, she pulled the trigger. she fell to her knees she just killed her second person. what?

authors note ✉️
i love this chapter sm idk why ty for reading this chapter this is going to be different...

836 words

"customers always right."


TRYING, daryl dixon ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang