Chapter 29

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The duel began shortly after Craft retreated from Lumi, and soon Lumi's ears were filled with the sounds of clashing metal. She was shocked over how quickly Craft moved, but how steadfast Robert was, with his larger frame. They seemed perfectly matched for a short time, but soon Lumi saw Craft gaining the underhand, some of his movements were too fast for her to even view with her naked eye. She felt silly when she thought of their duels that they had shared together, but the only thing that she felt good about was that her instinct of trying to restrain Craft was definitely the best idea.

The matched ended quickly with a victory from Craft, Lumi beamed at him as he approached and Robert looked at him very proud, but still gave him hints on what he could have done better.

"Do you want to spar, Lumi?" Craft asked her, to which she accepted, feeling inspired by the fight she just witnessed. They worked on her sword skills until the remaining light faded and the were forced to retire to their room. 

"Do you want any tea?" Craft asked her, but Lumi just waved him off. She needed a clear mind to be able to think. She still had no idea what she was going to do, although the card with that mages name on it that she had received to attend Eira floated around in her head. An excuse to see where her dad grew up. She could even travel back with the mages that were already there. It felt impulsive, but it had a lot to do with the fact that Lumi didn't want to go to a place that could remind her of moments with her father. She wanted to see the place he often talked to her about, and see if she could see Skyhaven through his eyes. She stared up at the ceiling blankly as the waves of sadness washed over her. This time they were gentle, she imagined this is probably what her mother and sister felt like when they learned the news about her father. It wasn't a sharp intense pain, it was more like an ache that lingered but could bring intense pain if not managed.

"Lumi?" Craft asked in the darkness, rolling her direction.

"What's wrong?" Lumi asked, letting her dark thoughts drift as she looked into Crafts gentle eyes she could barely see.

"Is it really okay that I am leaving?" Lumi thought about it. If she was being honest with herself, she would beg him not to go. She didn't want to lose someone else; the words that Rune had told her earlier unsettled her even further. 

"It is what you want to do, so I support you." Lumi finally replied, not wanting to lie. "I will always do what I can to take care of you, as long as you give me the chance." This is why she worked so hard to pour all her enchantments she could into his sword, and why she will do the same for his ring and anything else he might have. She also figured she could probably make him a little medicinal herb first aid kit with instructions on what you use. 

"I know, and I feel the same way towards you."  She knew that too, Craft in a span of a couple months had become her family and lifeline to her. The moment she woke up the one day, he became a pillar in her life, and suddenly that structure was going to be taken away from her.

 They said nothing else and Lumi fell asleep with thoughts of what herbs she would pack in an emergency aid kit, thinking that it had to be self-explanatory for someone who didn't study medicine.

When she woke up, she was alone, but there was a ring left on the table, it was a simple ring with three stones set in a thick gold band. Thinking about it, she could do three different enchantments as long as they were diamonds, and if she was being honest, she was just going to go in with the assumption that they were. 

Lumi ordered food and hot water to be delivered to her room, she continued her morning mulling over her three healing enchantments she would give the ring. She figured she should treat skin lacerations, perhaps muscle tearing and soreness, and then just something to provide energy? She wasn't really sure. Wouldn't giving more healing be better when in battle? Placing the other two enchantments, she decided to put a hold on the last enchantment until she had given it more thought.

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