The Right Thing To Do

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It broke Isadora's heart a little. Everyone had sent 'get-well' cards to Steve and no one had remembered Danny, which was beyond unfair in her eyes. After all, if Danny hadn't offered so quickly to donate part of his liver, the man she loves would've died. Plus, he managed to land an airplane just by following instructions over a radio, without any experience whatsoever. It wasn't right that only Steve had gotten the recognition.

She was driving to Max's farewell dinner, with Grace, Charlie and Eric, when she came up with an idea. Making a quick stop at a supermarket, she picked up a stack of different cards and a set of multiple pens, a smile on her lips as she was sure this would help brighten Danny's day. She paid for the cards and got back in the car. That's when the questions began.

- "Is everything okay, Isa?" – Eric asked her, eyeing the bag, not being able to see its contents.

- "Everything's okay. Don't worry."

- "What's in the bag, auntie Isa?" – Charlie voiced everyone's question. She knew they were all wondering what it was.

- "Well, I'm glad you asked. It's something for Danno. But I'm gonna need everyone's help with it. You in?"

- "Yeah, anything for Danno." – They all answered in a chorus, sounding as if they had rehearsed it beforehand.

- "Cool. So, the idea is simple. In the bag is a bunch of different 'get-well' cards as well as some pens. After dinner, we're going to split them between the four of us and we're going to ask everyone to write one for Danno. I also have a few on my mind that I'll only be able to get tomorrow, but for now these will start us off just right."

- "Thanks for doing this for Danno, aunt Isa. It means a lot. I know Danno jokes it off but it will be nice for him to see that everyone cares enough to send him a card." – Isadora heard Grace say, a hint of sadness in her voice. Isa was sure that no one ever wanted for Danny to feel like they don't care about him, but it sure as hell was looking that way.

They arrived at the restaurant and, after parking the car and putting the bag with the cards in her bag, made their way inside. They greeted everyone, joking and laughing, catching up while getting seated and the food being placed in front of them.

Dinner went smoothly. Afterwards, and after all the toasts were done, while everyone was just relaxing, that's when Isadora put her plan into action. Taking the cards from her bag, and splitting them up into four little stacks, she gave each stack to each one of them. But before they left, she got up and decided to share her plan with everyone there.

- "Hi, everyone. So, I know that the time for speeches is long gone, but I have something I need to tell and ask of you. I've checked with Max and he's completely okay with this, so... As most of you might have noticed, back at the hospital, Steve had a ton of 'get-well' cards and flowers and Danny had none, which I believe is unfair. Danny donated his liver and that's the reason why Steve is still with us. Now, don't get me wrong. I know that Kono, Chin and Lou, all volunteer to donate, and trust me I would do the same thing if it was any one of them. And I feel like we were all a bit remiss by not giving Danny enough recognition for what he did."

"With that said, I thought it would be nice if we all write a card for Danny. Make it funny, emotional, heartbreaking, whatever you want. Grace, Charlie, Eric and myself, we all have cards so you can either ask one of us or you can wait until one of us approaches you. We also have pens in case you don't. That's it. Thanks." – Isadora finished, a round of applause and nods all around her, reassuring her that she was doing the right thing.

Everyone, with no exception, wrote a card. Not one was left, meaning that she would have to pick up new ones in the morning. They said their goodbyes, thanking everyone, and left. It was past Charlie's bedtime and the poor guy was practically sleepwalking. She dropped Eric off and drove home. Since Rachel was out of town, as well as Melissa, they were staying with her until one of them came back or Danny got out of the hospital.

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