Chapter One: Stinging

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Josie is hidden deep under the covers of her twin sized bed with yellow bumblebee sheets, scrolling endlessly through a void of videos and pictures. She'll be there for hours, wasting time like it's nothing. But that's what happens when you drop out of college and the new semester starts, it makes you realize how much time you have. Josie would've liked to say she spent her time post drop-out doing something meaningful, but she and everyone in her family knows the truth.

Josie dropped out of college a month ago in December, it was an impulsive decision, and Josie acknowledges that. The hardest part about dropping out was telling everyone she dropped out, specifically her family. They were cruel and their words stung for days on end, leaving Josie to sit with their words like a baby sits in their own shit.

Besides going on her phone, Josie spends the remainder of her time thinking. Before dropping out of college – and even before college – Josie went to film school. It was near her home, on the smaller side, with a few notable alumni ranging from writers for teen dramas to B-list celebrities who got their rise to fame from a semi-popular TV show. Back then she made friends easily and followed them on various social media. Seeing most of them graduate and find work here and there stung just as much as her family's harsh words.

A soft knock interrupts her thoughts. Josie knows it's Soobin since nobody in her family has ever heard of the concept of knocking. "Come in." The door creaks open slowly, his footsteps near her.

Soobin sees the light illuminating from under the sheets and sits down next to the outline of her body. He places his hand on top of her shoulder and nudges her slowly. Josie turns off her phone before lifting the sheet off of her face and shoulders, letting the remainder of it pool at her waist and hips.

"Hey, Josie." Soobin gives her a warm smile. Josie loves Soobin's comforting presence, he's the sunshine after a storm.

Josie, suddenly feeling self-conscious, attempts to flatten her frizzy hair and wipe the oils in the crevices of her face. Soobin grabs her hands gently and pulls them away from her face. He holds them in his and kisses the top of her head.

"You don't need to do all that when I come." Soobin says while rubbing circles on the back of her hands.

Soobin and Josie started dating during the first semester of college after she switched from film school to college. They were originally childhood friends, his family being very close to her family. He was born a year earlier which made their friendship feel destined.

"I thought you were studying tonight." Josie says and stops Soobin's thumbs and flips their hands around so she can hold his hands.

"The quiz got postponed to next week. Lucky me." Soobin answers. "And now we get to hang out tonight." He continues before getting off of the bed. He holds his hand out for her to grab. She places her hand in his and lets him pull her up. She struggles rather dramatically before he finally pulls hard enough and she's sent flying into his chest. Soobin doesn't budge and Josie wraps her arms around his torso for stability.

Sometimes she forgets how tall he is. From this angle, Josie can see his Adam's apple and the razor bumps from when he shaved this morning. He smiles down at her, causing Josie's cheeks to flush. She finds her footing and walks to her closet to pack clothes.

"We can watch a movie tonight if you want." Soobin suggests and unplugs her phone charger for her to pack.

"What movie?" Josie asks, stuffing her backpack full of clothes.

"You can pick." Soobin replies and hands her the charger.

"I always pick. You should pick this time." Josie shoots back, zipping up the pockets of her backpack.

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