Back to the Burrow

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Authors note: The Burrow cover art on this chapter does NOT belong to me. It belongs to whoever made it.

They appeared at the Burrow later that afternoon still covered in blood and dirt. Harry and Ron went up to Ron's attic bedroom.

"This thing is still up here!" Ron exclaimed. Ron's ghoul was lying on Ron's bed. "Help me levitate him up to his room." He told Harry. "Wingardium Leviosa." Ron said.

"Locomotor ghoul." Harry said. Together Ron and Harry got the ghoul up to the room he had been in before they had left to hunt Horcruxes. They laid the ghoul on its thin sleeping pad. The ghoul got up and ran towards the trap door. "Quick, get out!" Harry yelled. Ron and Harry jumped through the hole in the floor, landed on their backs and closed the trap door. "Ouch." Harry said, rubbing the soar spot on his back.

Ron grimaced at him, "I think he likes my room. But blimey, now it smells bad in here." He complained, "I'll go ask mum if she has something to make it smell better." He went out the door and Harry started unpacking.

Hermione and Ginny entered the room, "What was all that racket?" Hermione asked.

"Ghoul. Ron and I were trying to put it back in the attic." Harry answered.

"Yes, but it sounded like you fell." Ginny said, worriedly.

"It wasn't that hard of a fall. It was only out of the trapdoor." Harry said, trying to make it sound alright.

"That's at least five feet." Ginny said, "Let me fix you." She lifted up the back of his shirt, "Look at the size of that bruise! Episkey." She tapped his back with her wand. It felt very hot then very cold. "There that's better." Ginny sounded satisfied.

"Thanks. You better do Ron to. He fell just as hard." Harry said.

"I'll get him." Hermione said. She walked out of the room to find Ron.

"See you at dinner Harry." Ginny said and kissed him on the cheek then went out.

Harry finished unpacking then Ron came back upstairs.

"I found some flowers." Ron said.

"Brilliant. I'm going to get in the shower." Harry said grabbing a fresh pair of clothes. The shower felt better then ever. Months of dirt and grime came off in that shower. He had to scrape to get the blood off. Then he noticed the dark purple bruise in the center of his chest where the killing curse had hit. "Episkey." Harry pointed his wand at the bruise. Nothing happened. Harry remembered now that injuries from dark magic could not be healed. He sighed, 'oh well' he thought, 'there's nothing I can do about it.' He headed down to the kitchen.

"Well you're looking nice and clean now. Here sit down I'll just get you something to eat." Mrs. Weasley said when she noticed him. Ginny was sitting down already with a bowl of onion soup. Harry took a seat next to her.

"You're looking nice and clean too." Harry complimented.

"Thanks, You too." Ginny said, after she swallowed her mouthful of soup.

Mrs. Weasley set some soup in front of Harry. "Thanks Mrs. Weasley." Harry said. It tasted wonderful. Harry had not eaten much lately so Mrs. Weasley's cooking tasted better then ever.

"Harry, I've been wondering." Ginny said, "Before you were telling me about your years at Hogwarts. Don't answer this if it's to personal, but what about before Hogwarts? I mean I know you lived with the Dursleys, that your parents were killed by Voldemort, and that you survived the killing curse, but nothing else." She finished.

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