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I had the dream again. Every night I dream of the same dream. Again and again and again. The cycle never ends. The dreams haunt me like vengeful spirits wishing death to me.

I lay here motionless and quivering. The night is cold and holds no comfort to the pain I feel.

I lift my gaze to the ceiling and it's all just darkness. The world is cruel and vexing. I hear the whispers. The screams. I feel the feeling of the fingers that once touched me with ill intents.

Everything is silent. All, but a faint heartbeat. My own.

I tuck my legs so that they are touching my chest while my eyes shut tightly. Only to open wildly at the sight that lingers in my mind.

When the maids come the next morning to clean me, I sit huddled by the corner. There are black curves in my eyes, a sign that I did not sleep.

The maids come and go daily. There is no word from the woman who brought me here. The demoness that saved me from one life to lead me to this lonely one.

And then finally a few guards bring me to another place. A better one.

Here it is a comfortable room, like the one I had back home. A warm bed, food and water brought to me daily and a fire that burns to keep me warm.

There is still no word from my mistress but I am grateful for her provision.

I sleep better now, but it is still hard. The memories and the faint whispers of my nightmares do no good.

A faint glow comes to me now. The fire is out and there are footsteps outside. In comes the woman I fear and the woman that saved me.

Her crimson gaze is as I remember as she sits on my bed next to me.

"How did you sleep?" Her voice is angelic. A difference from her actions.

"Just fine." My voice is cracked in a faint whisper. Nothing compared to hers. Her fingers move close and caress my cheek. Her touch is electrifying and it makes me want more.

Perhaps I am greedy but I could care less. I move close just to be pet. This brings a smile to the woman's lips. "Good to hear." She whispers while her arms enclose around my sickly figure.

I shake uncontrollably, perhaps it's the mixture of my fear and the cold night breeze. Either way her warmth helps quite a lot.

There is no movement after that. I stay in her arms until I am lulled to sleep. When I wake, she is nowhere to be found. Almost as though she was never there. But she was. I felt her touch. It is still here.

The rest of the nights remain the same as before though there is a newfound comfort place in my dreams. A dream of her and not the traumatic experiences of the past like I had once had.

My dreams are occasionally different now. Nights where nightmares come end with dreams of her when I go back to sleep. It is as though my mind is at ease once I think of that woman.

Then it hit me that I still do not know her name. I will ask when the time comes.

And the time did come. She returns to me at night. The woman in my dreams. Better phrased as of my dreams at times.

Am I in love? I shake off the thought. There is no way. I barely know the woman. I am just grateful...


Tonight I shall ask her for her name. For her reason to choose me amongst those in that slave market. Why me?

"Roxana Agriche. That is my name." The woman before me spoke kindly. Her glance is full of curiosity and knowing. How did she know?

It seemed as though she could read right through me. "Huh?" I make it known that I am rather surprised.

"I've been observing you and I know you are curious to know my name." She explained, patting my head.

"I see..." I could only muster so much before my voice fails me once more. It is impossible to form a full sentence when she is around.

Roxana smiles and moved forward. "Do you want a hug again?" She asked, genuinely curious.

I nod with a sudden movement. I initiate the hug, wrapping my arms around the female's waist.

Roxana's arms wrap around me as the comforting feeling returns to me once more. She strokes my hair while there is silence reigning the atmosphere.

Perhaps I am in love. I think to myself while the female cradles me.

But that is impossible. There is no such thing as innocent love. She wants something from me. I am well aware by now.

No one takes me and expects nothing from me. Roxana will be no different from my past masters.

She wants something from me. An achievement, a task done well, my personality or maybe...

I shudder to think that particular thought. I mustn't mistake her for my last master. I know well enough to know that not all people are as disgusting as he was.

But the possibility creeps towards me like a ghost haunting my mind. Could she possibly want that? She doesn't seem the type to have that kind of thing but then again what do I know of her?

Her name and that she helped me. Nothing more than that can make me determine that she can be trusted.

The next morning I wake up and a glass of some mysterious liquid is on the table.

Getting the worst of flashbacks, I reach over to grab it but hesitate momentarily. There is a note next to the object I am hesitant to take.

I contemplate on my options before taking my time to read the note. It is only one sentence.

"Drink it's to help you regain strength."

No initial or signature. How am I supposed to know who gave it to me? The oddest feeling is that it is from my mistress.

Withdrawing from the thought of drinking the liquid, I ring up the maids with the bell given to me as a token of calling.

In they come and my suspicions are confirmed after a maid said quickly.

"The mistress wants you to drink that, my lady."

─────── AUTHOR'S NOTE.

1075 WORDS! This is draining 😭

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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