O brawling love O loving hate

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"Do we really have to physically sit for our portraits?" "Can't she just, like look at a picture on her phone or something." Steven  complained from the kitchen as I entered the room.

"She needs to see you in the flesh in order to capture your essence. While you're still young and full of hope." "Her words." Laurel smiles.

I looked up at Steven confused at what this was all about. "Susannah's painting portraits of us" he answered the question I never asked.

Jere started blending up some smoothie he called "The hangover cure smoothie" for Conrad who's laying down on the couch with his hands on his head obviously feeling sorry for himself.

But I'm missing something, someone. Where's belly?

My question is quickly answered when Jere greets Belly with a charming, "Good morning."

"Belly where have you been" "Is that a bruise" Laurel questions her in a low yet form voice gently placing her hand on Bells bruised cheek as she flinches from the pain.

"I- Uh bumped into someone" She says unconvincingly looking at Conrad on the couch who's now sat up.
"You bumped into someone?" Laurel says further inspecting the mark on her cheek.

"Doesn't look that bad" Conrad muffles from the couch.

He speaks.dick.

"Oh.my.God" Susannah says rushing in a smile spread across her whole face.

"Girls get ready we're going shopping!" Susannah rushes me and belly out the door to go shopping for the debutante ball.


"I feel like we haven't talked in forever." Belly says bumping my shoulder playfully as we walked alongside the shops.

"So much has been going on." She follows up with a inevitable smile growing across her face.

"Tell me everything." I say smiling back at her.

"Well his names Cam and we meet at the bonfire, we'll actually in 8th grade at a Latin convention, but besides the point" she says yapping on. "He's really into whales,marine biology. He's super cute and really sweet" she looks at me smiling eager to see my reaction.

"Whales, he's a charmer." I say sarcastically.
"I'm being serious,I really like him" she says seriously.

"No,no he's sounds great, I'll have to meet him" I wink at her bumping her shoulder.

"Soooo, Who's mysterious Leon." she smiles up at me.

shit, shit Leon I never texted him back! But did i really want to?

"Uhm, Nobody really just a one time make out buddy." I shrug my shoulders.

"Oh" she wasn't expecting that answer? but was I even expecting it?

We followed Laurel and Susannah into a shop. We have already bought a few dresses and outfits, but now it was time to buy the dress for the deb ball.

"Oh okay, so I picked out two fascinators for you guys! Look around to see if you can find a dress you like." Susannah informed us, walking away to give the two hats to the cashier.

It took awhile,but I finally found a dress. I loved it, it wasn't too simple, not too over the top, but still had an elegant appeal to it.

Susannah insisted on paying for every last thing and we left the shop with countless bags in hand.

"Thanks mom" Belly bellowed getting out of the car.

"Thank you Laur." I smiled at Laurel as she drove away. Me and Belly were about to attend the first debutante gathering.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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