27- the loneliest

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nini's pov:

the whole night i just cried. it was such a shocking day in general but it hurt even more knowing that my own mom was mocking me for being upset about everything.

like that really hurt.

i grabbed my phone and sat cross legged on the floor, my burner phone in my hand until i hit dial on the one person i needed to hear from the most at this moment.

it rang three times and his face popped up, smiling brightly at me but his face soon dropped when he saw the sad expression written on my face.

"nini, what's wrong?"

"i really need you right now" i whispered, my voice breaking with a sob.

"wait... that's not your room. nini, is everything ok?"

"i'm in california"

"you're what?"

"i left today. i just... i feel like a failure. what about the show and us?" he grabbed the phone closer, angling it so it would be easier for me to see him.

"neens, it'll be ok. we'll work it out together. if the worst comes to the worse, dani will just fill in for you"

"i really miss you and it's not even been a day yet"

"i miss you too"

logan's pov:

i was in the living room when i noticed everything that went down. in a way, i knew that nothing about this was ok but it was my job and i couldn't do anything about it to help her because there was a huge chance that i could get fired.

i walked up towards her bedroom and heard her voice wobble. she was clearly speaking to someone who she was forbidden to speak to and i assumed it was the boy that she was photographed with and even though she was sad, somehow, he managed to make her smile and giggle.

i knew all too well what it was like to be so in love with someone and you end up slowly losing them through the worst circumstances and that's when i realised something.

i could do something but it was going to require a lot of trust.

and at the moment, i don't think she really trusts anyone.

i was just praying for a miracle at this point.

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