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Being out, isn't easy, especially when your popular. You get looked at differently, talked to differently, and you really just feel different.

My experience with coming out wasn't as bad as others. Nobody really judged me, well a few people but i set them straight and they don't anymore.

So right now, in this very moment, walking into school, i feel more confident then ever before.

"Sup sluts" I yelled walking up to my friend group. "Well i find that quite offensive." Nick shouts back. i smile. I run up and give him a huge hug.

"I missed you." i said into his chest. "I missed you too." We turned around to see our group eye-ing us.

"What" i asked. "Are you two together?" Imogen asked. "uh.." Nick stuttered. "No, we are not. No lables." i said and then walked away.

I was gone for the first week of the term. When i came back Nick had made a friend, Charlie.

He's sweet, and smart, and i know that Nick wants him, not me.

I went behind the school where there were no cameras and lit a cigarette.

"Autumn.." i heard from around the corner. I turn my head to see Nick looking back and forth from me to the cigarette.

I quickly threw it and put my head in my hands.

"Autumn i...i thought you quit." i blurted out. "I did, for awhile. it just got hard at my dads... you know?"

He came over and sat next to me and put his arm around me.

There was awkward silence for awhile. After a moment i looked up at him and he was looking at me. He leaned in for a kiss but i stopped him.

"Nick.." i said. "No im sorry." He stuttered.

"Nick i need to ask you something. and you need to be honest." i said with tears in my eyes. "What is it? are you alright?" he asked rubbing my shoulder.

I turned my whole body towards him and took a deep breath.

"Nick you know i like you, i have since year 7. and you also know that i would support you and never judge you." Nick nodded.

"Do you like Charlie? I see the way you look at him, and frankly all the times we've hung out or been together you've never had that same sparkle in your eye." i smiled at him.

"I-i dunno. No i dont, i like you Autumn-Rose!" he shouted.

i shook my heard, now crying. "No you don't, and its okay. ill support and love you no matter what Nicky." i smiled at him. He was crying at this point aswell. i wipped his tears.

"You big softie. W-" i started to talk but i was cut off.

"No. Autumn I like you, but... i like Charlie too. I don't know what to think or do." He sighed.

"Nick, I think you should go be with Charlie, and if he's not the one, ill always wait for you, no matter what." We smiled at eachother and hugged.

I gave him a light kiss on the head and then walked away.

Later that day i was walking through the halls when i heard banging. I turned the corner and saw Ben kicking his locker.

"Hey whats wrong?" i asked. He rolled his eyes. "Nothing, its just, i just got broken up with kinda."

"Same." i shrugged. "what a day to be us huh?" i laughed at his comment. "Do you need a hug?" he nodded.

I walked closer and hugged him. We hugged for a while, like a long time.

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