Chapter 2

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I didn't realize I had slept through the entire drive. I guess with getting up early, it was to be expected. Music rang in my ears, Lovely by Billie Eilish. I rubbed my eyes as I checked my phone, a voice message from summer covered the screen.

"Hey, I know you're probably bored already. I for one, am extremely bored. What am I supposed to do while you're gone??? Ugh, come back."

I giggled as I typed my response.

"I miss you too. I'm sure you'll find something to keep you occupied while I'm gone. If we get service I'll definitely shoot you a text! I'm not looking forward to being away from civilization for so long. Come rescue me"

I locked my phone and looked out the window. California was so pretty this close to the ocean. I rolled the window down just an inch. The distinct smell of sea weed filled my nose. Hearing the seagulls cry and the soothing sound of the waves crashing on the shore seemed to relax me. I knew I didn't want to leave but at the same time I was hoping for some kind of adventure. Hoping that something interesting would make the time fly by.

"We're here" Dad parked the car. I put my headphones in my bag and gathered my stuff. We had some snacks for the ride in the back seat, I didn't get a chance to eat any since I was so tired. Dad picked at the trail mix some of the way. I always knew it was him because the bag looked like it had been ripped open by a gorilla.

As we stepped out of the car, each of us stared in awe at the size of the ship. It was breathtaking. I was amazed by how large it was in person, I mean I knew it was big but I guess I never truly understood how big. After all of our stuff was out of the car, we made our way to the long line of passengers boarding. It felt like forever but according to my watch, it was barely an hour. My parents looked down at me.

"Excited yet?" Mom asked.

"Mmm a little nervous I guess." I shrugged. My dad pulled me in for a side hug, "No need to be nervous, we're going to have a great time." I smiled at the reassurance. It was finally our turn to climb aboard. Walking in a single file line, we eagerly searched for our room. Once we finally found it, mom opened the door with the key she was given, my dad lugged around the heavy suitcases and I carried my backpack inside. Similar to visiting a new hotel, we decided to explore our home for the next two weeks.

The room was like a fairytale. I stared for a moment while the words were loading in my head. "This is.... wh..." I was so in awe, I couldn't form a complete sentence. After walking through the doorway, immediately in front there was a set of stairs with a dark wood rail with glass sides. To the right, a huge couch with soft pillows and a throw blanket. The windows covered the entire wall with a view unlike anything I had seen before. In the next room the dining room table with white cushion chairs complemented the room nicely. Stunning plants and decorations were strategically placed around the room.

Once we finished exploring all of downstairs, we made our way upstairs to discuss the sleeping arrangements. At the top of the staircase was a room with a huge bed covered with white comforters, a gorgeous chandelier hung above the staircase just outside of the room. The bathroom was to the right of the bed with a walk in shower that had way too many showerheads. A bit excessive... I thought. To the right at the top of the staircase was another room. This bed was smaller and had a white comforter with a small blanket across the bottom with green stripes. Across from the bed, another giant door with windows overseeing the ocean. The view was even more breathtaking, I stopped for a moment to admire it. I found myself to be overjoyed with the events so far as I flopped onto the bed.

"Yup. This one is mine." I rolled amongst the soft pillows. My parents laughed at my playfulness while they continued to look around. The bath was connected to the shower in my bathroom, like normal ones from home, besides mine here had two shower heads. My mom looked over on the desk against the wall and found a brochure laying on it. It read: "food and fun" with a photo of a pool on the deck. She opened it and read the event times.

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