Chapter One (?)

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Shinobu has been tirelessly scouring every nook and cranny of her living space in search of her beloved haori. Alas, despite her best efforts, the elusive garment seemed to have vanished into thin air. To compound matters, her precious poison, an essential tool in her line of work, was also nowhere to be found. Perplexed and slightly disheartened, Shinobu pondered the possible explanations for this confounding predicament.

Could it be that one of the girls had inadvertently relocated her possessions? However, Shinobu knew all too well that these kind-hearted souls would never dare to enter her private quarters without explicit consent, let alone abscond with any item, regardless of its urgency for laundering or other pressing needs. The thought of such a breach of trust seemed inconceivable to her.

With a sense of urgency, she approached each person, inquiring about the whereabouts of her missing items. However, to her dismay, no one had any knowledge of their whereabouts. The mystery deepened.

As she strolled down the hallway, her eyes caught sight of a door that was slightly ajar. It was Mitsuri's room, a place where she often found solace and respite under the kind hospitality of Shinobu.

A glimmer of hope flickered within her as she pondered the possibility that Mitsuri might have come across her belongings. With a gentle smile on her face, she approached the door, her heart filled with anticipation.

I can just ask and if she says no then I can get right-

She froze.

In the midst of the scene, Mitsuri stood with an air of trepidation, clutching Shinobu's diary in her delicate hand. Her look was one of sheer horror as she perused its contents, her eyes scanning the pages with a mixture of disbelief and distress.

Before Shinobu could utter a word, her voice was abruptly silenced by Mitsuri's trembling voice, "What is this...?" it betrayed the deep emotional turmoil she was experiencing. The shock and confusion were evident in her tone, as she sought answers to the perplexing situation that had unfolded before her.

Shinobu, sensing Mitsuri's distress, directed her gaze downwards, her eyes fixated on the tightly clenched grip that Mitsuri had on Kanae's haori. The fabric, once belonging to her dear sister, was now held captive in Mitsuri's hand, as if it were a lifeline in this tumultuous moment. Adjacent to them, a bunsen burner emitted a flickering flame, casting an eerie glow in the room.

Mitsuri, unable to contain her emotions any longer, stared at Shinobu with a mixture of astonishment and anger. Her eyes widened, reflecting the intensity of her emotions, as she grappled with the realization that Shinobu was contemplating a self-sacrifice. The diary, no longer able to be held in her trembling hands, slipped from her grasp and fell to the floor with a soft thud, its pages splayed open, revealing the weight of the secrets it held.

In a swift motion, Mitsuri raised her hand, the haori hovering above the burner, as if suspended in time. The gravity of the situation hung heavily in the air, as the two women stood locked in a moment of profound tension.

Shinobu desperately stretched out her hand, her voice filled with urgency as she called out, "Kanroji, No wait!" However, Mitsuri, with a solemn expression on her face, deliberately lowered her hand, the haori growing closer to the flame. The atmosphere in the room became tense as Shinobu froze in her tracks, her heart pounding in her chest.

With a mixture of anger and concern etched on her face, Mitsuri implored, "Promise me." Her voice trembled slightly, revealing the depth of her emotions.

Perplexed, Shinobu questioned, "What?"

Summoning every ounce of courage she had left, Mitsuri repeated her plea, her voice filled with desperation, "Promise me, you won't try it." The weight of her words hung heavily in the air, as if the fate of their very existence depended on Shinobu's response.

Overwhelmed by the gravity of the situation, Shinobu's body gave way, and she collapsed to her knees. Her hands instinctively pressed against her forehead, as if trying to alleviate the immense pressure that threatened to consume her. Lowering her head to the floor, she pleaded, her voice choked with tears, "I promise! I promise I won't try to end my own life, I swear! Please, don't burn my haori, please, please..." Her words dissolved into sobs, echoing through the room, shattering the silence that had fallen upon them.

Mitsuri's heart skipped a beat as she laid eyes on Shinobu, her usually composed and collected friend, in a state of sheer panic. It was a sight that Mitsuri had never witnessed before, and it sent a wave of concern crashing over her.

Reacting swiftly, Mitsuri instinctively tightened her grip and lifted the haori, swiftly moving it away from the scorching burner and placing it gently on the cool floor. With a determined stride, she closed the distance between them, her eyes filled with worry and sorrow.

Kneeling down beside Shinobu, Mitsuri extended her trembling arms, enveloping her in a comforting embrace. The weight of Shinobu's anguish pressed heavily against Mitsuri's chest, but she remained steadfast, offering solace in the form of her warm and tender embrace.

Shinobu's sobs reverberated through the room, each tear-filled gasp escaping her lips like a desperate plea for respite. Mitsuri's heart ached as she felt the rawness of Shinobu's emotions, her own eyes welling up with unshed tears. She held Shinobu tighter, her fingers gently caressing the small of her back, providing a soothing touch amidst the storm of emotions.

In an attempt to offer some semblance of comfort, Mitsuri pressed soft kisses upon Shinobu's disheveled hair, her lips tenderly brushing against the strands.

"I'm sorry."

Lmaooo that's all I got idk if I'm gonna keep writing this since it took me awhile to write then edit and proof read and shit 😨

But I will be starting a Kanao x Nezuko book soon but not rn since school is coming up 💀💀

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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