∎ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 3 ∎

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 I woke up when I felt the sun burning my skin hold up why am I in my room? I don't remember coming here last night. Wait...maybe it's a dream yeah a dream. Lucas is still there he didn't cheat...sheesh that was a horrible nightmare. I groaned as I stood up and headed to the kitchen to get a glass of water. My throat was dry like the Sahara desert.

"AHHHHHH JUNGKOOK!!!???" I yelled seeing him in MY KITCHEN WTF IS HE DOING IN MY HOUSE WHO TF LET HIM IN?!!? "What the fuck are you doing IN MY HOUSE!!!??"

"Oh you're finally awake," He said sliding the scrambled eggs onto a plate. "What are YOU doing in my house, Why are you in my kitchen, How the frickity fuck did you get in, Why are you making breakfast" I harassed him with questions. 

"Chill woman, why do you ask so many questions" He passed me a glass of water, how nice BUT WHY IS HE HERE?!!?!?!?!

"And why don't you answer any of them" I gawked chugging the glass of water in one go.

"You left your bag in my car and I came to return it, I knocked on the door TWICE no fucking soul answered, I found out the door wasn't locked and so I invited myself in and I saw a green alien- cough I mean you sleeping on the floor and me being the kind and charming gentleman carried you to bed and no as you can see I did not change your clothes I ain't a pervert and I was bored to drive home, sooo I slept in the guest room and I'm hungry now so I'm making myself some brekkie" Jungkook blabbered. "Any questions" 

Okay, so I realized three things:

1. It was not a dream.

2. Lucas really did cheat.

3. Jungkook was NICE I repeat Jungkook was NICE.

"No, now get out"

"Where's your boyfriend Lincoln or was it-"

"Lucas and Ex-boyfriend"

Jungkook's eyes narrowed. "Ex" He asked. "What happened" He probed sitting next to me resting his face on his hands. "I-...After you dropped me off I got a text from him saying that he wanted to go on a date with me and I got dressed and went down and you saw the woman with him in the restaurant yesterday"

"The girl who he was eating with"

"Mhm. Yeah, I walked in on them making out" I grieved. I saw Jungkook's doe eyes widen. "Oh"

"You were right, Jeon" I contemplated. "I'm always right...uhh about what" 

"That sometimes the person you'd take a bullet for is behind the gun"



The silence was soon interrupted by a huge bang. The microwave exploded, and the kitchen counter and cupboards were stained. It took a while for you to progress from the shock and when you did you screamed,  "JUNGKOOK WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?"

"I just put a burrito that was wrapped in aluminum tin foil"

"JEON JUNGKOOK!!!!!!" You exploded. "YOU DUMBASS"

"What did I do?" He innocently asked. "You fucking moron, you don't put food that is wrapped in ALUMINUM TIN FOIL YOU BEETLE-BRAIN!!"

"Oh I'll remember that" 

You groaned before walking out of the kitchen. "See why I'm scared of microwaves, that could've exploded in my handsome face" He sighed in relief. "YOU BETTER CLEAN THAT UP OR I'M GONNA SHOVE YOU INSIDE A BLENDER WITH SOME ASPARAGUS, BLEND IT. THROW ALL THREE: THE BLENDER, YOU, AND THE ASPARAGUS INTO AN ACTIVE VOLCANO" You yelled from upstairs. 

He whined pressing his hands to his cheeks. "Fuck you!!" He yelled back. "I know I'm a fuckable person but baby boy I'm not in the mood"

"I didn't mean in that way I- nevermind"


You and Jungkook both walked inside the office building and just like any other day all the employees who saw you both bowed and greeted.


"Hey Y/N- JUNGKOOK!?!?"

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"Hey Y/N- JUNGKOOK!?!?"

"Hi Zara noona, morning" He gave his signature bunny smile. "What brings you here early in the morning"

"This dumbass intruder came into my house without permission and RUINED MY KITCHEN" All the employees that were near by turned around to see the sudden outburst of their boss. "Heyy, I didn't know that aluminum tin foil can explode a damn microwave"

"Well you two seemed to have a rough morning" A new voice interrupted. "Seokjin hyung, what are you doing here" Jungkook queried.

"Jin" Both the females said at once. "Hey Y/N, sister-in-law. A very good morning to you both"

"Hyung" Another voice, a deeper voice interfered. "Taehyung" 

"What in the hellhounds are you doing here, hyung. When did you come back" Taehyung inquired. 

"You fat-kidneyed slug, you didn't answer my phone calls so I came to visit your wife instead" Seokjin flipped his bangs. "I didn't get any calls"

"I don't talk to people who make up lame excuses for not answering my precious phone calls"

"Okay people let's all go to my office and you both can solve your conflict"


 While the two brothers and Jungkook were talking you sighed checking another document. "You seem off, what's up"

"Something happened yesterday" You clicked your tongue in your right cheek suppressing the anger and sadness. "Don't tell me you had sex with that lamo and forgot to where protection or the condom broke in the middle of your thing"


"Then, what the funnel cakes happened yesterday" 

"I broke up with him before you say something like 'see I told you, whose right whose wrong' listen before you react" You said and explained the whole story while she listened to you with pity and fury. "That fucking asshole, I'm gonna hunt him down and slit his throat with my knife" She scoffed holding up a pen and banging it on the desk catching the attention of the boys. 

"Who died" Seokjin yelped. "Piece of rude-growing ratsbane; son of saucy pignut; mother-twitting stick" Zara hissed under her breath."I'm going to go murder someone and ain't none of you stopping me"

"I'm sorry babe I didn't mean to throw your new shampoo out of the window and blame it on Yeontan"



"RUN" Jungkook yelled. 


Word Count: 1027

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