SFW; Herra and Eve 4

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Herra stands in the middle of a Hive ritual circle, freshly drawn sigils burning with Soulfire around her, the sickly green flames illuminating the Hidden logo on the walls. Ir Qalaka was speaking her mother tongue to Selki, whom was on her hands and knees drawing more symbols in the loose dirt. Volth stood on the other end of the ritual circle with his arms folded over his chest, the Ex Diris boomer slung over his shoulder by a cloth sling. Herra took a few deep breaths, her hands shaking at her sides with anticipation

Herra; "How many more do we need?"

Ir Qalaka looked up from Selkis posterior, momentarily lost in trance as her Arc blue eyes refocused.

Ir Qalaka; "Just a few more, broodmother! Then, you'll be as beautiful and lethal as me!"

Volth let out a single, voluminous laugh, his Void purple eyes illuminating the chitin of his forearms.

Volth; "Hah! If being beautiful means looking like you, I'll stay ugly."

Selki whipped her head up with enough force her hood was flung off her head, her Solar orange eyes shining brightly.

Selki; "Hey! That's my girlfriend you're talking about!"

A pulse of Void Light rippled through the room, and the three Lucent Hive looked at Herra to see she was the source. She let out a frustrated sigh and massaged her right temple with her hand, her face scrunched out of stress.

Herra; "Eternally, I'm surrounded by children..."

She removed her hand when she saw Selki stand in her periphery.

Selki; "It's done, broodmother."

Herra nodded with tense lips, holding out her hands, inhaling as she prepared to begin the ritual... But was interrupted by a knock on the door. Her emerald eyes widened not at the voice of Ikora... But at what she said.

Ikora; "Herra... Evelyn knows you're here, and she's displeased. I hope you're done experimenting in there."

Memories flooded her mind, and she reflexively held her right hand with her left, as if the dislocation were still fresh.
Herra; "You three, go out there and hold her off while I perform the ritual... I'll meet you in Panoptica."

The three Hive gave a bow in near unison as they approached the door, opening it to reveal Ikora, taking a step back so the three could pass her. Ikora closed the door behind her as she entered the room. her hands clasped in front of her waist in apprehension.

Ikora; "This is my fault, Herra... Too many people got involved and the details got leaked out by someone we don't know yet."

Herra massaged her right wrist as she spoke, her voice hushed, preceded by a quiet chuckle.

Herra; "I'm surprised you're not going to try and stop her yourself, the Crucible showoff you were."

Ikora flashed a small smile, letting out a single, humble chuckle

Ikora; "Hmph... I hear you're doing pretty well yourself, Sparky; Even managed to impress Saint."

Herra crossed her arms as she replied, trying to ignore the feeling of anticipation for when Eve inevitably arrived at the door.

Herra; "I'm not surprised, he's a Titan. I'm only impressed that your dome is shinier than his."

Ikora slowly turned to look at Herra with a knitted brow, in sync with Herra growing a playful smirk.

Meanwhile, the three Hive walked the halls of the Hidden building, the right of them illuminated by thin, verical windows that lined the wall every meter, showing that they were in fact walking on the inside of the wall to the left of the old Tower.

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