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A little context...

When the nurse called in a man for blood it was Lee Seung Cheol. The one who lost his son long ago...he is trying to find his son with his own blood. 

Since his AB-negative blood was the rarest blood type, he had the chance. He thought why not try this guy too when he has been finding every individual whose blood is AB -ve, so he asked the nurse to make a DNA report for him and the patient who needed his blood, Before the operation, they took some of Heesung's blood and the person to sent it to the DNA Analytical Center.


???: Head, master is wake up...

"You wake up master..?? *walked to his master.

"HE IS MY SON MR.HONG *said as he grabbed his secretary's collar

Ah..??We haven't even got the results yet How are you so sure master..???

"It's his scar... his scar on his hand Remember the scar he got my his mother... the boy has the same scar too...

"Sir, but so many people can have the same scar too and we still need the DNA results... 

"NO, I DON'T NEED THEM. I need my son I know it's him My son Lee Heeseung... the same face as his mom *desperately said

Sir, so many years have passed, do you think he will remember you..? and even if he remembers you...Do you think he will remember you the same way? I just want you to no longer live in the same hope that you have been living by till now.

"You're talking too much Mr. Hong. I said he is my son and I want to see him right no- *got cut by his secretary.

"What if he runs away after seeing you..?? what if he still has the same love for his mom but not you..?? *shouted at his master. 

"Then kidnap him *calmly said


and now present~


"It's too late lee heeseung...

heeseung dropped the scalpel when he heard the voice. he was a man in his late 40s. but why heeseung is so shocked..??

"What happened heeseung-ah..?? 

"W-why are you here..?? 

"To take you home my son...

"My son..?? huh*scoffs 

Mr. Lee Seung Choel I'm not your son... not after what you all did to me... 

*The man walked to heeseung...

"You are my son heeseung and I'm your father heeseung... 


LEE HEESEUNG don't talk to me like that... remember I'm your father... *furiously said.

What..?? so what do you want me to do..?? hug you and forgive you for what you did..?? Huh *Sarsactily said 

???: "heeseung you don't know anything... please listen to your father first...

"Don't speak anything. Mr. Hong (head person of the troop)...

"But sir he needs to know what happened on that day.

"he doesn't need to know about old things... *furiously said 




"Everyone shouted as heeseung father lost consciousness and fell on the floor. then the head took him to his room...

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